Man, if your itchin for a holiday, go to the Dam. its the shit on some seriousness man. Ive been there for my honeymoon, n i wanna go back soon, but i think the next trip im takin with wifey is probably gonna be my homeland -- gonna go to Rome, Italy man. never been there, but my entire family comes from there -- well actually its Sicily, but Italy is Italy IMO man - its all natural beauty, so it dont really matter where we go. Love fuckin backpackin man - thats how i met my wife
just a little advice though -- wherever you decide to go, DONT GO TO PARIS!!! I mean, its cool n all - went to visit Jim Morrison's grave, but its just too damn wierd out there. EVERY SINGLE FRENCH PERSON we talked to out there wether it be to try and make conversation, or ask directions, or whatever, Each and every french person was rude as fuck and basically tried to talk shit straight to my face, all because im American. They have a REALLY strong distaste for our country man. But that aint even the reason i wouldnt go there. I wouldnt go because it smells like somebody wiped their browneye all over the entire city. The subways smell like decrepit fuckin french farts, n the food - lets just say you have to have an "aquired" taste for certain french foods. Even their McDonalds is wierd tastin man. The burgers just taste like spit grilled asshole. Urgh, makes me fuckin ill just reminisching about that shit. We went to A-Dam for 3 weeks, n then we went to Paris via train for a little over a week, at wifeys request. City of romance my dick...