Are my seedlings getting enough light?


New Member
I used an old aquarium light found in the garage, and it seems to be bright enough. I do not know the wattage though.

it’s been 6 days since it sprouted
Oh yeah. Aquarium lights won't grow that much.

What floor space are you going to be using? Did you have a budget for lighting?
I’m growing in a small container, approx 2.5 x 1.5 ft. Yes, I’m cheaping out on lights to test if they’re good or not but I just checked online that this light is 50w, I have two of them in the container
100 watts in a 4.5 square foot area = 22 w/sq. ft. which would generate some bud sites during VEG.

Are they are fluorescent lights?
They look good.. keep the light close to prevent stretching.. if money is tight and your space is small get some hi output t5's or a reputable cheapish led.. if money isnt an issue then check the forums for good led's or go old school with tried and true hid's ( mh/hps)
This was one of my old grows in a 2' x 3'.5" closet grown under a cheap 400 watt mh/hps digital apollo system.. 100.00$DSCF0052.JPG
The light on the right side was a 125 watt cfl cool grow lamp for sup light and to help trich production.. and a small cfl 35w just for the hell of it..