Is Biden really that bad?

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Who knew this troll is a member of the The National Bureau of Economic Research that can make that statement.
You can cricket all you want, but a recession is a recession. Failed democrat leadership got us here.


You asked for an example of something Biden did that was good. I gave you one (infrastructure bill) and you denied it was something good. Even the orange imbecile knew it was something good but couldn’t get it done.

Anyway, carry on trumptard, you’ll be gone by labour day.
whatever, you are not capable of a civil exchange. Blocking your stupid ass.
Blocking your stupid ass.

I haven't seen one thing a Republican has proposed to fight inflation or spur the economy, both worldwide problems. They have voted against efforts to fix supply chains, the driving force of inflation and the worsening economy. They voted against the bill for veteran burn pit victims because the administration got the Inflation Reduction Act through. What Jon Stewart said re: Republicans for that. Furthermore they still prefer the incentives for record profit-making large corporations (oil & gas) as opposed to the middle out approach that Dems want.
whatever, you are not capable of a civil exchange. Blocking your stupid ass.

A common precondition for civility is credibility. You are coming here cheerleading the lies the GQP is using in its bid for a religious-totalitarian coup.

Essentially, you are asking for peer treatment that you forfeited the moment you came here to push the Jesus Taliban who, as the hearings are revealing, csme closer than even the pessimists thought.

So there is that Amorphophallus in the room.

I haven't seen one thing a Republican has proposed to fight inflation or spur the economy, both worldwide problems. They have voted against efforts to fix supply chains, the driving force of inflation and the worsening economy. They voted against the bill for veteran burn pit victims because the administration got the Inflation Reduction Act through. What Jon Stewart said re: Republicans for that. Furthermore they still prefer the incentives for record profit-making large corporations (oil & gas) as opposed to the middle out approach that Dems want.

I have. But “install that man as Führer” is not the answer they say it is.
1 you’re not the OP so we can discuss what we want.

2 you’re just like trump when you aren’t winning you start whining.

3 I’m saying Joe DID NOT cause the recession because it started 3 weeks after he was elected. At that time Trump was still claiming he won. So technically the recession started while he was still president (according to trump).

Sorry to poop on your party with facts that you can’t debate.
Thats not true, look at the yield curve.

You already have the market cornered on childish answers
Spew lies and made up shit
Then demand we prove you wrong
Sorry kid you lost all credibility making stuff up
Or as you like to call it “exaggeration “
what do you think I made up? I can back up anything I have said. Oh I see. Have I been cancelled for exaggerating?
It seems that most Americans don't like Biden as recent polls show.
Poll: Biden's job approval falls to new low as Dems struggle to pass popular agenda (
They, supposedly your Average American, like his agenda & support most of it, except the cost.
But they don't like Biden.
I don't get it, what the fuck did he do wrong?
Like Trump would have done better?
Sorry for the dead soldiers, but shit like that happens in Afghanistan & they were soldiers that signed up for that job.
Anyway, Biden FINALLY got us out of that shit show, something that should have happened a long time ago.
So, what's the beef?
The Pandemic?
The price of gas?
Forest fires?
A high Dow Jones?
Oh yea?
I got it!!!!
It's wearing a mask or getting a vaccination!!!
That's why he sucks, right?
Fucking idiots.
What's your opinion of Bidens presidency.
I think he would be doing a better job if the GOP would get the fuck out of the way & he wasn't left a pile of shit/debt by Trump.
I don't think there's anyone better out there than him at least
I like him :)
Best Prez since Clinton, finally giving back to the working class not Trump who made the 1% richer. Like they were hurting to start with? God bless Joe Biden for making America great again for everyone.
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