Here are some shots from this year's outdoor. Using a Ecto Cooler f2 male to make f3's and some solid crosses.
Deadpanhead's TheCrazy. This pheno has extremely thin leaves. My guess is going to be a more Vietnamese leaner
Wyeast's Kings Chalice (3 kings x horchata) i have two of these going. This one in ground and one in a ten gallon fabric pot. Both are incredible so far. Love Wyeast's gear.

Sunshine #4 x cakefighter. Dragboat Jeff of Great Lake Genetics put this together. I have three of these going. Was going to make f2's but after watching Ecto Cooler grow I am going with EC.
Katsu Bubba's! Keylime kush. I am taking clones next week of this girl.
One of the six Ecto Cooler f2's going in 5 gallons.
Wyeast's Frozen Rose in ground. I also have another in ground and 1 in a ten gallon fabric pot.
This beauty is my creation. Clearwater's Jelly delicious x MACcrasherbx1 from Kropduster. I started 18 of these a while back and this one stood out above all the others. Started putting out a funk in veg and is the best and strongest smelling so far. She's already pushing 8.5 ft. I am going to do a pheno hunt through more of these and my Cement shoes x MACcrasherbx1 this winter.
These all are putting up well with 90+ degree heat.


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I'm still relatively new to growing, having only covered 35 varieties (including 6 landraces). My outdoor growing has only seen three seasons. Mazar-I-Sharif was my first outdoor grow. Mazar is one of the most ancient hybrids around, exhibiting both sativa and indica phenotypes as well as CBD chemotypes. It's not surprising that it proved disappointing to someone who's probably used to F1 vigor, as the cultivar is hundreds of years inbred. If the plant failed to impress you, please consider that it is a truly nuanced breeder's plant that often gets brushed off by newer growers in the West. But if you manage to get a good pheno (which is roughly a 25% chance), it's unparalleled for a hard trip and makes an extraordinary F1!! By the way, there's no such thing as feminized Mazar-I-Sharif, not if you buy wholesale from Afghani merchants, i.e. if you buy the authentic, legacy seeds.

Of all my growing, I've only bred with a fem once (on purpose), an irresistible Kush bush. The result was lacking. What should have been a dynamite F1 flopped hard under ideal circumstances. I mean they grew fine, but the numbers... I run numbers on all my green buddies. The offspring of the fem seed had amazing THC at nearly 20% when crossed with a landrace sativa, very impressive, but the terpenes took a nose dive into a generic myrcene overload and the quality of the high suffered greatly, changing from "luminous and inspiring" to "meh, I'm tired and hungry". I'm not the type to trade a 16% THC and 0.5% THC-A sativa for a generic 20% THC sleepy semi-indica.

Like I said before, all I have is anecdotal proof. My own experiences, from buying a CBD sativa accidentally and wasting 6 months growing it, to getting complaints about the smell of my house when I was growing "Tuna Shit", a strain whose stench truly reflects its name. You ever get a poop-smelling Afghan or Skunk? Multiply that tenfold, then add fish sticks and furniture polish to the bouquet.

Anyway, I use regular stock because I like encountering males of my favorite strains, since I can use them for breeding. See, if a male can trick me into believing it's a big female, I'll usually keep it for testing instead of destroying it, taking it into the boys' room where it won't ruin my plans for its sisters. Now the recent spider mite issue really set me back, but I think I have enough progeny to recover. Looking at it positively, I get a chance to test a couple F1s, and grow a little something I acquired from @BobBitchen

EDIT: grammar
The Mazar grew fine and still had decent vigor. The end smoke/effect is what I find lacking. But it is a solid reliable strain.

same shit different day stop trying to use the forum for selling, trading, gifting etc, please its not allowed it hasnt ever been allowed when its allowed i will fucking let you know by screaming it from the damn rooftops and a goddamn banner announcement on the site

until than zip it folks thanks
again you guys , i dont wanna have to shut this thread down and remove a bunch of people.please follow the rules, we'd greatly appreciate it <3
Welp I'm definitely banned, since I accused @sunni of being a totalitarian. Nice knowing y'all. @BobBitchen and co. -- get your own website, since this one is a snobbish bore.
Correction user asked to be removed because im a totalitarian imperial whos ignorant cause i asked him simply to follow the forum rules after ignoring my request 3 times.

10/10 creativity in name calling though
Next round of beans for fall/winter. Using a Dankonomics Mont Blanc (dosidos x starfighter) male to make f2's and work out his magic on the others. Fems are
Strayfox's LA girlz (Seed Junky's LA kush cakes x LIT'S Projuect 007) Project 007 is London Pound cake x project 4516.
Strayfox's Building Blocks (Wyeast's Sled Dog x chem d/chem 91 Stray's cut) Sled Dog is Chem #4 × Menthol. Hoping for serious Chem funk
Clearwater's Thunderclap (Kushmints rabid hippie cut x Apple mints) A rabid hippie cut Kushmint bx
Universally Seeded Frosted Cement (storm shelter x Cement shoes) a bx1 of Cement shoes as storm shelter is Slurricane x Cement shoes.
CSI'S purple Hindu x lemon tree
Blloms Space Guavaz ( space runtz x guavaz #74).
Going to be a Incredible run. I still might possibly use a male from Karma's lemon melon x Sour Diesel bx3, but am planning on Mont Blanc as of now.20220802_160548.jpg
Bittersweet x Breath Ray few wks in flower. Smells like Mom, Chem stank with more grape added from the father with Grape Stomper genetics. The mom has the same terps but more subtle this cross brought out more grape. I've culled 2 other phenos in flower that didn't looks right lol the luxury of running your own seeds is that I'm very picky about what I flower. I've got a stand out plant getting cloned still that looks like the Bittersweet & really has the chem funk stem rub.

Also planning my next seed run with a Cannabiogen Destroyer male, have 2 phenos with one being the shortest & most compact of all my Destroyer plants. One of the females has a chocolate tootsie roll smell to stem rubs while others are fruity. I'll make "f2's or what ever the next Gen is " but I want to cross it with my Ginger Tea (Thai/Faceoff x Moonbow). Picked up some Golden Tiger fems from Ace so eventually use my Destroyer males on those when I find the right plant.
