Is Biden really that bad?

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That is what the census is for until the mango dear leader corrupted it
For once, you have contributed something worthwhlie, and I thank you for that. I did not know anything about census under Trump untl now. It does look like a political move too, but hey thats politics.
you think so? after the republicunts fucked over every woman in the country that doesn't fantasize about being in the "handmaid's tale" ?
after fucking over every LGBTQ person in the country? after fucking over Veterans? and then fist bumping about it before they went on a month long vacation?...
i don't think so... :lol:
He is just playing the odds as every administration loses seats in midterms
Except Trump
He lost the house , the Senate and the Presidency
:lol: Is
For once, you have contributed something worthwhlie, and I thank you for that. I did not know anything about census under Trump untl now. It does look like a political move too, but hey thats politics.
Allow me to, again remind you, your opinion is just that
Oh it’s less
Much less
Some of you guys are really good at insults, wow! Maybe you can teach me?

Sorry, but the guy you elected is one of the worst presidents in history. A bum. Prove me wrong.

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You guys are really good at insults. Maybe you can teach me. Sorry but the guy you elected is one of the worst presidents in history, a bum. Prove me wrong.

Google it
Trump is the worst President in history
Prove me wrong

Google it
Trump is the worst President in history
Prove me wrong

they're saying Buchanan is actually the worst, with trump a close second...Buchanan kind of allowed this fucking lunacy to get started, ignoring slavery and allowing the confederacy to get started to begin with. if he would have taken a much harsher stand on both, the country would have been a much different place, and we would have quite possibly avoided the civil war...
When you think about it, all the left wants to talk about is "Orange Man bad!" because the country is heading to hell in a hand basket, and fast!

Yes, silly democrats. They think Joes his anti-fossil fuel, overspending, open-border, soft on crime, woke military and weak foreign policy positions will make America stronger.
Too many people in government, its way too big getting there nose in everyones business. All they wanna do is tell you what to do and invade countries, kill the dollar, rape us with taxes and wasteful spending
Donald Trump has been living rent free in Dems heads for over 2 years after he's out of office. Good grief!
donald trump is still committing crimes, and has never been punished for the crimes he has committed already.
you expect people to forget about a fucking dirtbag piece of shit that tried to set himself up as the dictator of America?
people forgetting about assholes like that allow more assholes like that to exist...
donald trump is still committing crimes, and has never been punished for the crimes he has committed already.
you expect people to forget about a fucking dirtbag piece of shit that tried to set himself up as the dictator of America?
people forgetting about assholes like that allow more assholes like that to exist...

You purposely didn't capitalize his name. You are one sick puppy, LOL
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