New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

I forgot to mention that I have had pineapple on a hamburger. Some nasty teriyaki burger with a 1/4 inch slice of pineapple. The burger was fine after I took the pineapple off. It only took one bite before it was gone.

Ah yes, that is absolutely the wrong way.
I'm thinking more like soy, ginger and pineapple marinaded ground thighs with a pineapple chili chutney, served on the side.
Some blue cheese crumbles (goes well with pineapple, try it).
Your leafy green of choice.
That's just off the top of my head.
If I spent some time I could come up with something you might even like :weed:
Ah yes, that is absolutely the wrong way.
I'm thinking more like soy, ginger and pineapple marinaded ground thighs with a pineapple chili chutney, served on the side.
Some blue cheese crumbles (goes well with pineapple, try it).
Your leafy green of choice.
That's just off the top of my head.
If I spent some time I could come up with something you might even like :weed:
That sounds really good (and I've already eaten dinner).

Spend a bit more time! ;)
Vidalias are all over the place around here.
And Walla Wallas.
Have to try C2G’s recipe.

The lady came home a while back with a bag of huge Vidalia's. They're close to 1.5 lbs each. She wanted me to make onion rings. I told her she was crazy. That didn't go over very well. It was 98°F and asking me to heat up the kitchen frying onion rings was crazy. And there was no way I was doing it outside in that heat. I have a propane burner I use for cooking outside but it was too hot for that. Today would be a great day to fry up some onion rings as it's going to stay in the 70's but she's up in Seattle visiting her daughter and grandkids.

Best recipe I've ever used for them

The best tip is about removing each ring's membrane.

Last time I made them I used this recipe and they turned out really good. I was a little skeptical but they were crunchy and delicious. He mentions removing the membrane in his video as well.
