Starting Week 7.... Nute Burn???


Well-Known Member
Just started week 7 of flower. I had a little of what seemed to be a nutrient issue in week 5 so in week 6 just watered normally with a little epsom salt. Everyone seems of but after I fed what I figured to be their last feeding so that I can flush these last 2-3 weeks, I saw this bright yellow on the leaves (not all) this morning.

Does this look like nute burn or something else? First grow so just a little nervous.



Well-Known Member
I agree with farmerfischer just add some epsom salt. It makes sense they’re showing deficiencies now they just got out of stretching and used up what foo they had left and are now hungry again


Well-Known Member
I used some CalMag last night. Is that good? They got Epsom salt with their water 3 times last week


Well-Known Member
You should be good on the Epsom salt levels then I would start looking at ph and do a slurry test of wet soil so you can get a proper ph of soil. Also if your having lock out issues get some recharge and water with it a few times you’ll notice a improvement every time you look at them if there are problem’s continuing

Billy Madison

Well-Known Member
I used some CalMag last night. Is that good? They got Epsom salt with their water 3 times last week
Growing in Soil... 4 tablespoons of Epsom salts in 5 gallons of water
1/4 cup (4 tablespoons) of epsom salt in 5 gallons of water 3 times in a week seems like way too much epsom salt. I think it's very possible this has thrown the balance out of whack at the root zone. The reason i think the potassium is being locked out is because the whole tip of the leaf is yellow versus being yellow in between the veins/margins of the leaf (magnesium deficiency).

Not sure what size pots you are in? I would be tempted to flush them and feed a 3/4 strength bloom feed. You are in the time frame where they are swelling and use plenty potassium. What are you feeding for bloom?

Billy Madison

Well-Known Member
You should be good on the Epsom salt levels then I would start looking at ph and do a slurry test of wet soil so you can get a proper ph of soil. Also if your having lock out issues get some recharge and water with it a few times you’ll notice a improvement every time you look at them if there are problem’s continuing
A slurry test definitely wouldn't hurt anything and recharge is some great stuff. I don't think the humic acid in the recharge would be beneficial in this scenario though. It would just force feed the unbalanced nutrient profile at the root zone and possibly exasperate the issue.


Well-Known Member
Recharge is also good to help level out your soil and plant root system to help deter lock out and keep uptake of nutrients proper I understand the humic acid isn’t really going to help but recharge isn’t just humic acid. Although to much will raise your soil ph slightly
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Well-Known Member
You Have a potassium deficiency- an element that is heavily used during bloom. It’s leaf symptoms mimic “ nute burn “ but it is not.
It affects the serrated edges and makes the tips brown ( hence the look of burn ) . I don’t know what your “ bloom feed “ is right now but you should be on a higher PK nute. Plant ( flowers ) are pulling what it can from itself ….. cannibalizing itself for it.

Excess Mag does interfere with potassium …. Drop the mag supplement.
Feed an appropriate BLOOM feed.
‘Forget that flushing jazz and starving them in last weeks. You want them to feed as they want up to the end.
Instead of “ flushing “ when they are in actual last weeks begin to lower the feed .

Nitrogen at this stage only supplements the plants health , cell health and pigmentation. It is not needed in excess during flower since new branching and leaf are slowing. Rooting does still happen during flower also.

Affected leaf will not recover even if you correct. You are only trying to stop progression.


Well-Known Member
1/4 cup (4 tablespoons) of epsom salt in 5 gallons of water 3 times in a week seems like way too much epsom salt. I think it's very possible this has thrown the balance out of whack at the root zone. The reason i think the potassium is being locked out is because the whole tip of the leaf is yellow versus being yellow in between the veins/margins of the leaf (magnesium deficiency).

Not sure what size pots you are in? I would be tempted to flush them and feed a 3/4 strength bloom feed. You are in the time frame where they are swelling and use plenty potassium. What are you feeding for bloom?
Tiger Bloom, Micro and CalMag are my "normal" nutrients when I feed... So basically do a flush (with Epsom or no?). I'm just using 8 weeks as an estimated time to start looking to see if they're ready. IN fact, based on people here, I RARELY even look at the trichomes (even though I like looking at pictures of them) but instead am just going to watch the pistils to see when they start getting red hairs and start receding back into them selves like George Constanza after he was in the pool.. Oh, 5 Gallon smart pots in a 3x3 tent with a lot of air circulation (IMO) I have 2 at the tops swirling around and a dual oscillating fan on the underside that has two sections. One is dead ahaed and the other I can angle up so that I can make sure air is circulating up through the canopy. Day temps are are around 81-85 under LED's and at night they drop to about 71/72 range.