how wrong am i?


Well-Known Member
I'm going through a moral crisis and more... I was with my girlfriend of 2 years up until june of this year when i found and confronted her about emails she had been exchanging with another guy. in the emails they were making plans to go to concerts and out for a drink... anyway... i ended up keeping tabs on her emails until enough was enough and i confronted her about it one night. things went bad and needless to say, the relationship ended and she moved out... days later when i spoke to her she seemed happy and like should could give a shit about what happend. but maybe i was reading too much into it. weeks went by and she said she wanted to be just friends and went on to talk about dating and crap. i told her i couldnt do that with her and couldnt be just friends cause that was some hard shit to have to hear... we hang out a time or two more and then we end up arguing about the breakup and she says she broke up with me cause she isn't sexually attracted to me... so thats some fucked up shit to hear. we dont talk for months then i hear from her out of the blue... calls me crying telling me how much she misses me and wants to be with me. dispite my best instincts... i go to her and comfort her... she tells me she is on meds for anxiety and so much has happend and she misses me. we start hanging out again... she says she wants to earn her way back into my life... i begin to let her... more weeks go by... i'm at her house looking up guitar tabs and i see a dating website on her history... i go on to find out she has a profile... and a screen name... and at this point she is acting kinda distant with me all the sudden... so i go into self protection mode and decide to act on my instinct. i sign up for an account and pose as another dude... with a fake pic... i act like the biggest tool on the planet and she ate it up... ended up sending me nude pics... saying "oh i'm friends with this guy and he wants way more than i do" and blah blah blah... basically telling this "dude" i made up that she wanted to bone... i talk to her like this for a few days... finding out all kinds of crap about how she really felt about me. i ended up telling her today that it was me all along. i feel like such a piece of shit for doing that to her... but i just had to know... i dont feel any better for having done that to her but i also feel like i saved myself pain in the long run. she told me she never wants to see me again now. and that the was the lowest that i could have done. that it was entrapment... and all that...
so... how big of a piece of shit am i?...


Well-Known Member
Wait, she was cheating on you, and then got mad at you for finding out? Nah dude, you're not wrong. You ought to punch that bitch in the teeth.


Well-Known Member
i dont see what you did wrong. you caught her, 2 faced and all.
maybe try pleasing her in the sheets and she wont go and do all that. idk


Active Member
I'm going through a moral crisis and more... I was with my girlfriend of 2 years up until june of this year when i found and confronted her about emails she had been exchanging with another guy. in the emails they were making plans to go to concerts and out for a drink... anyway... i ended up keeping tabs on her emails until enough was enough and i confronted her about it one night. things went bad and needless to say, the relationship ended and she moved out... days later when i spoke to her she seemed happy and like should could give a shit about what happend. but maybe i was reading too much into it. weeks went by and she said she wanted to be just friends and went on to talk about dating and crap. i told her i couldnt do that with her and couldnt be just friends cause that was some hard shit to have to hear... we hang out a time or two more and then we end up arguing about the breakup and she says she broke up with me cause she isn't sexually attracted to me... so thats some fucked up shit to hear. we dont talk for months then i hear from her out of the blue... calls me crying telling me how much she misses me and wants to be with me. dispite my best instincts... i go to her and comfort her... she tells me she is on meds for anxiety and so much has happend and she misses me. we start hanging out again... she says she wants to earn her way back into my life... i begin to let her... more weeks go by... i'm at her house looking up guitar tabs and i see a dating website on her history... i go on to find out she has a profile... and a screen name... and at this point she is acting kinda distant with me all the sudden... so i go into self protection mode and decide to act on my instinct. i sign up for an account and pose as another dude... with a fake pic... i act like the biggest tool on the planet and she ate it up... ended up sending me nude pics... saying "oh i'm friends with this guy and he wants way more than i do" and blah blah blah... basically telling this "dude" i made up that she wanted to bone... i talk to her like this for a few days... finding out all kinds of crap about how she really felt about me. i ended up telling her today that it was me all along. i feel like such a piece of shit for doing that to her... but i just had to know... i dont feel any better for having done that to her but i also feel like i saved myself pain in the long run. she told me she never wants to see me again now. and that the was the lowest that i could have done. that it was entrapment... and all that...
so... how big of a piece of shit am i?...[/quote]

u ask urself that wehn shes the one cheating on you? shes the big piece of shit lol..


Well-Known Member
she didn't cheat on him. at least not that i read. but u r a dick, but she is a bitch...

It wouldn't have worked... ever. u saved some pain go and smoke a bowl and relax. whats done is done


Well-Known Member
She's a phsyco bitch, unplug the micro, hide the bunnies and lock the doors.


Well-Known Member
till you drive 30 miles just to leave a girl at a wal-mart, I would have to say your still a good guy.

(maybe I'll share that story later lol)


Well-Known Member
What you did was kinda sneaky but what she did was way worse, go find a huskie girl unless your just fugly they wont cheat on you.


Well-Known Member
bro any girl that is about to go out with some other dude when she's going out with you should not deserve a second thought. cut the bitch out of your life and move on to greener pastures.


Well-Known Member
What you did was kinda sneaky but what she did was way worse, go find a huskie girl unless your just fugly they wont cheat on you.
odgrop is right you know, and huskie girls can always loose weight ;)

what he did was sneaky AND clever. she got what she deserved by that. that is the beauty of "online" dating and a REALITY check for the people that use those services. ha! come on. get out of the house! :P

i personally don't like the whole online dating service thing.. people have online personas .. and or act differently (expressing themselves where they normally wouldn't etc..) i dunno.. just don't like it.. and to fool the fools that use those things.. meh.. haha .. i know, i know.. opinions are like assholes.. everyone has one ;)


Well-Known Member
She's a phsyco bitch, unplug the micro, hide the bunnies and lock the doors.

But seriously bro, you're better off. Take some time for yourself and don't sweat over little girls who refuse to grow up. Find you a real woman that'll rock your world in the sack...fuck it, find a couple of women that'll rock your world in the sack. Ya never know, ya might even find one that appreciates you for you. Keep ya head up, bud!


Now playing: Alice In Chains - Don't Follow via FoxyTunes


Well-Known Member
any girl who sends nudes and dumps on her guy to an anonymous guy online does not deserve to have a man in her life.


Well-Known Member
Dude you're not a piece of shit. Maybe insecure, but not a piece of shit. I'm not gonna lie. Making up a fake account was kind of shady, but when you feel a disturbance in the force it's no telling what you'd do. Next time...which should be a long time from now do yourself a favor. Don't exchange passwords, If you go to yahoo and notice she's signed in. Sign her out and go about your business. To sit there and worry yourself over a woman is beyond retarded. This chick is just mad because you caught her in the act. She has no moral fiber whatsoever. Every act of deception would have been your fault no matter what.

But dude I would have done it a tad bit differently. I would have set up a date to get coffee or something. The look on her face when she walked in would have been fucking priceless.


Well-Known Member
looks like the general opinion is that i'm kinda a douche but did what i did for a reason... which is somewhat justifiable. She said all the right things, did all the right things, and said more than anything she wanted to be back in my life (which was at the end of October.) I slowly let her back in and ended up opening up. It felt like we were together again. But when I started persuing her like she was me she withdrew, bigtime. and of course I felt that and based on our history (her emailing a guy behind my back in June), I was concerned and I did the whole fake account thing. Seems like she wants it all... me as a friend and to bone other dudes. fuck that. Its jacked she led me back into talking with her under false pretenses. She wants me when SHE wants me. If she would have told me she just wanted to be my friend I would have told her to get lost. the whole thing is fucked.
would be nice to get a woman's opinion on this.. Also she never has never met her dad and has never had a stable father figure in her life... I think that kinda messed her up and wont allow her to get close with just one guy... who knows.. Hard to move on when you love someone so much though. What sucks is i HAD moved on... then got sucked back in..


Active Member
Well this is my take on it. If you would have been all sneaky and found out that she wasn't doing anything wrong then you would have been a plain insecure asshole. You reacted on instincts and did what you had to do to sleep well at night. You're not an asshole for what you did. She only reacted the way she did when you confronted her because she felt embarrassed and slutty. This is a woman who wants to have fun in her youth. She probably knows that she is supposed to be settling down and being a good girl but she is too immature and wild right now to do that. She saw you as the smart, safe guy that would be great for the long run, but she's too immature for that right now. 10 yrs. down the road when this girl is a wife to some poor asshole, she will feel bad about how she treated you and you might get a phone call or some sort of an apology.

Final Conclusion:

Bag a fat girl, winters coming anyways. Fat girls are like a heated blanket and body pillow wrapped in one. Can't go wrong. :hump:

Good luck to you bro. Don't waste your time with this one.


Well-Known Member
looks like the general opinion is that i'm kinda a douche but did what i did for a reason... which is somewhat justifiable. She said all the right things, did all the right things, and said more than anything she wanted to be back in my life (which was at the end of October.) I slowly let her back in and ended up opening up. It felt like we were together again. But when I started persuing her like she was me she withdrew, bigtime. and of course I felt that and based on our history (her emailing a guy behind my back in June), I was concerned and I did the whole fake account thing. Seems like she wants it all... me as a friend and to bone other dudes. fuck that. Its jacked she led me back into talking with her under false pretenses. She wants me when SHE wants me. If she would have told me she just wanted to be my friend I would have told her to get lost. the whole thing is fucked.
would be nice to get a woman's opinion on this.. Also she never has never met her dad and has never had a stable father figure in her life... I think that kinda messed her up and wont allow her to get close with just one guy... who knows.. Hard to move on when you love someone so much though. What sucks is i HAD moved on... then got sucked back in..

fuck that! your not a douche at all. if you think your getting fucked, you turn around and look. she gave you every reason possible to do what you did. i used to be the kind of guy to give second chances but have always been burned.


Well-Known Member
any girl who sends nudes and dumps on her guy to an anonymous guy online does not deserve to have a man in her life.
Sure she does. Just not a nice one. :)

Dude's stuck on this girl or he never would have given her the second chance. Ok, so you're human, you've got feelings. She played you like a fiddle, didn't she? So, you learned fiddle-playing, too. Good for you. Too bad it probably hurt you more than her.

So, my husband's got this tech who's always spending time on this dating site. Another tech went and took a look at his profile, and oh MAN the shit some of those women said about him! LMFAO! :lol: I knew he was a tool, I just didn't know how bad of a tool til then. They warn each other about him, yet he remains. :lol: :twisted: