Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Baby snake #4 caught!

At least now I confirmed where they are coming from for sure. I left the outside access door to the fireplace open, thinking they would head for the light if in there. Sure enough, caught one over night. They are probably searching for water it's been so dry. A baby snake can only live for about a week without food or water.

Morning...how's everyone doing....your not gonna believe it we got rain last night, and boy did i pull up a chair and enjoy it with a cold one and a smoke. We're expecting more this afternoon, so we'll see.......

alright just made a fresh pot....

now to get some breakfast in me, do a couple of quotes...and deal with people...... :peace:
I had a brain flash of @Indacouch2.0 doing the helicopter from his roof. :D
@raratt do you have cool air in the house again?
Yeah, thanks for asking. Took them about 5 hours to get it installed. AC guy checked the air output temp, it was running 58 with 78 degree air going in. It's a much quieter unit also. I'm still trying to figure out the SEER on it, the condenser had a 14 SEER tag on it, however I was told that because of the evaporator being a larger unit it bumps it up to 16...? Found an AC forum and there are smart AC people on there, I'll put the part numbers of everything on there and see what they say. We are still having cool evenings so I don't close the house up until about 10.