Well-Known Member
imagine caring if other people are vaccinated or not, and imagine basing your whole opinion on another human being based on vaccination status or their opinion on efficacy or transparency. What a sad world we live in. What happened to "my body my choice"? It was my choice to get vaccinated, I couldn't give a rats ass if others don't. It just seems strange to have this bizarre, militant ideological allegiance to or against a vaccine in the first place, and it seems even more bizarre that people have attached it to a political party. Like what has happened? As the vaccine doesn't stop transmission, why would I have any interest in whether someone else wants to risk a more severe infection. I don't slander someone for risking their health smoking, drinking or doing drugs, so why would anyone manifest this strange, vitriol fueled hate because of the vaccine?
I don't think I've ever wondered, or even thought about another persons vaccinations status over the whole pandemic, and have never really spoken to anyone about it, because I simply don't care. I just got the vaccine as I work in a pathology lab and have to have all my vaccines. Is it because I don't attach a political affiliation to my, or others decisions based on the vaccine? I'm generally curious, as I am generally someone who doesn't have the capacity to hate, so seeing so much division and militant political affiliation over something as trivial as a vaccine is blowing my mind now.
What happened to tolerance, inclusivity and equality? I thought that was our main goal?
Have we always done this when it comes to vaccines? Imagine this when the flu vaccine came around. Someone's like "nah, i don't trust it, i'll be fine" or "i have my doubts, check this study out".....both seem like pretty benign statements and all of a sudden you've got a bunch of people calling you a right wing terrorist, claiming your some type of death cultist, wanting you removed from the gene pool....
Like, do you not see what your typing? Is this really about vaccination or lack of vaccination? Or is this really about using vaccination status to assume someone's political affiliation and start throwing childish insults. Because calling people childish names like "death cultist" "fascist" "nazi" and insinuating their removal from the gene pool, over a simple disagreement over the efficacy and transparency of a vaccine seems really extreme to me, like completely insane.
People are ostracizing friends and family over this juvenile pursuit of right or wrong/red or blue, left or right, or jabbed/unjabbed. All under the guise or "covid safety and awareness" "freedom of speech" and "tolerance and equality". Just let me be vaccinated, have all your doubts about the vaccine, ill respect your opinion, and you respect mine.
Just decide whether it's "My body, My choice" or not. Because I'm sick of this hypocrisy. I'd never discriminate against someone solely based on what they do with their body, whether that be sexually, medically, recreationally. We should all be focusing on our similarities, as we all have a lot in common, not our differences. especially over something as trivial as this.
I'm also coming from an outside perspective too, so I see it all with tainted lenses. We just didn't have anywhere near as much of a political/social divide when it came to the whole mask/vaccine thing here, and the lockdowns were far less severe in duration and effect. Even in the thick of the heaviest lockdown here I could still go down to my local plaza, get a coffee, grab my shopping and have maccas every day. We were encouraged to go for a walk every day, just social distance. Shops were opened. Just had to wear a mask and check in.We have always been like this about vaccines
How The 'Pox' Epidemic Changed Vaccination Rules
During the 1898-1904 pox epidemic, public health officials and policemen forced thousands of Americans to be vaccinated against their will. Historian Michael Willrich examines that epidemic's far-reaching implications for individual civil liberties in Pox: An American
I wait for additional signs of shittiness beyond vaccine status before judging someone. It's bizarre that medicine and public health are political topics, but here we are. Personally I'm more appalled at the anti-vax/mask behavior, but everyone has different backgrounds and experiences.
I am still of the firm belief we should all wear masks and engage in petty theft from big box stores.
Pfff, we humans evolved in a constant soup of electromagnetics. Radio harming you is a globalist hoax.If anything, wearing a foil hat would make it worse...
If you were really worried about radio waves penetrating your skull (which they do, and you should be), you wouldn't put a parabolic dish around your pineal gland like that. Right smack dab in the focal point, so the rays bouncing off the ground are amplified, lol.
You would make a faraday cage helmet, or suit.
Come on now..
?current examplesNOTICE: Trolls keep bumping threads with PROPAGANDIST TITLES.
serious question.
Currently page 1 has only two fairly weak candidates for “a propagandistic title”, both started by one troll. I am simply not seeing any troll recently bumping established threads. So I am wondering what you meant.
yeah we had a morning of it. I’m getting a distinct and durable “censorship” vibe.
yeah we had a morning of it. I’m getting a distinct and durable “censorship” vibe.
I don’t trust the vibe because a vibe is almost always a subset of sentiment in me. When I try to frame a rational rebuttal, I keep encountering my sentiments. That is a problem. It is a recipe for self-delusion, and once the self is deluded there is no barrier to lying to anyone about anything.
So I’m a bit spooked right now, and am eyeing the limbic invitation to a sort of “holy rage”* with all the awful ambivalence of a Narcotics Anonymous member alone in a room with a kilo of white heroin base.
*that, once I am no longer hot under the collar, I will regret …
it’s all here in the threads. I was wrestling an emotional response with variable results. He was kind enough to reason with me.I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel censored or deflect the response
What do you mean by 'we had a morning of it'?
Have some gummies and rage away- we can handle it..just be mindful of mods; they're banning long-term members without warning or's up to you to figure out what you did wrong.
Even if that was remotely trueThis thread isn't propaganda.
It's a fact that most the people you know who got the c-19 vaccine, were the ones who got sick, spread it, and seem to keep getting it over again.
More people who took the shot died than those that didn't.
The truth is, there is no shot for corona that will do anything to help you. You were straight up lied to, the whole time.
nice try.This thread isn't propaganda.
It's a fact that most the people you know who got the c-19 vaccine, were the ones who got sick, spread it, and seem to keep getting it over again.
More people who took the shot died than those that didn't.
The truth is, there is no shot for corona that will do anything to help you. You were straight up lied to, the whole time.