Cheetahs Real Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
im all out to mate :cry:

i smoke all the kush i got and i cant even get hash anywhere at the minute. the whole island is having a dry spot.

what you growing next cheetah. ???


Well-Known Member
planing on scrog grow wit one GHS Himalaya gold and one FD G-Force. i have da seeds....jus have to build gro tent .....


Well-Known Member
are you waiting till after xmas or just going to start when your ready :)

i have 3 weeks left hopefully.

i was going to update today but forgot camera again :clap:

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
well nothink bad has happned other than running outa smokelol, i gota get on and finish my wadrobe i just cba lol. oh well its nearley xmas.

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
i cant remeba if u knew much about lowryders but, do you think that they can grow just aswell on 12/12 lighting as they would on 18/6?? also do you know if 5 litre pots are gona be ebuff for like 3 foot plants??


Well-Known Member
5 litre pots are deff not enough for 3 ft plants. dunno bout the lowriders man sorry!

sure they are........ :hump: 5 litres.. no prob..... its funny cuz most ppl think u need huge pots, but ya realy dont...... :)

sorry for interrupting.. but u can use 5 litre pots no problem dude, u can even get 120 cm plants wich is 4 fooot... i had 3 foot plants in 3.6 litres :

check pics..




Well-Known Member
ohh and i am using 6.5 litres now, for my clones. cuz i want to get over 140 cm's..... :)