20+ year old jarseed. i found the jar!!! i've got the seed. wish me luck.

i have 4 different bottles attempting to germ. i looked at them today. in order not to cause any bad mojo, i am not saying anything at this point.

stay in tune!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good luck. several years ago I read about 4000 year old mung bean seeds found in a Chinese grave. about half sprouted when planted. always hope.
Sweeeet. Can't Wait for the 20+'s to start coming alive!! Congrats on the 10 year seed!! Good Luck Man! I knew some would take!
I knew it was possible.

I still think the 20yr olds are possibly still viable.

If kept in perfect storage conditions seeds should last forever.
I knew it was possible.

I still think the 20yr olds are possibly still viable.

If kept in perfect storage conditions seeds should last forever.

i grew some of the 20 year olds about 7 years ago. it seems something happened to the seeds after that. i tried to germ some a few years back and got nothing.
I had to crack some of my seeds manually. I used my teeth, put it sideways like a sunflower seed and bite gently, it will probably crack... worth a try since you got enough to start a monopoly there.
In cannabis cultivation by Mel Thomas he says that germination rates drop to 20% or lower after four years in storage, 20 years is like a weed time capsule, I was a kid when that seed was made.
got them on top of my flouro fixture now. warming them up a little. i've been digging thru my storage looking for more.
'bout ready to give up. threw about 20 in a small pot with soil. peeled the outer shell off about 20 with no damage and no luck.
have you tried cracking any yourself? with a scalpel or razor blade (sterilized) along the seam where the seed normally cracks, ive never done this but heard it done. dam i really hoped youd have at least 3 or 4. send some to me, ill get them going lol;)
if they germinate i will be suprised if you want a seed to last 3 years you have to vaccum seal it put it in the refigerator in a brown bag you can keep your seeds up to 10 years but you would have to keep it in the freezer. but you may get lucky. good luck man.