Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Just when I thought I'd seen it all.... there's this theory that unless you know something exists, how do you know if you are infatuated with it or not? Thats how I first heard about blumpkins. Refusing further engagement.
Just woke up, and RIU has me expounding on a gdamn Blumpkin.
And you must know that a new electrical installation without permit will not be in compliance with any building code and insurance policy that I know of.
Installing a new breaker in a live box is scary shit....I have done it a few times but it had me nervous as hell, because yes, one slip could be your last.

All I can say is IF they tell what I did vs what has all ready done dam they are good

Around here no one pulls permits for adding a breaker or 2, or running a new circuit....Even if it's an electrician doing it. But I know some areas are different and much stricter. I added 2 circuits here for my flower room too. VERY carefully!! Electricity never was my "thing".

When I bought this place 20 years ago I had a new 200 amp panel installed, and I had the electrician go through and change every single receptacle and switch in the entire house and do a bunch of other work....the service was the only thing he got a permit for. He wound up being a toker and we became friends.... Still til this day!!
When I bought my house it still had a fuse box. 6 ten amp circuits.
Still lots of them is use, as well as lots of nob and tube wiring, and old ungrounded 2 wire systems

I remember a home inspector saying a fuse box is actually safer than breakers IF everything is sized right...But once someone put a bigger fuse in, all bets are off.

Makers sense....a breaker is a spring loaded device that can fail. Many a house has burned down due to breakers not turning off.

hey it got to the point with me when i was doin my wiring stuff........fuck it, i'll just call someone......

being hit with 110 or even 220 is no joke mate....js
Damn, I got hit with 220 once as a 16 year old kid, working at a Days Inn. I was changing an AC unit that was hard wired in. I shut the breaker off, but didn't use a tester, and got zapped bigtime. The breaker was labeled wrong!! Never again!!
Still lots of them is use, as well as lots of nob and tube wiring, and old ungrounded 2 wire systems

I remember a home inspector saying a fuse box is actually safer than breakers IF everything is sized right...But once someone put a bigger fuse in, all bets are off.

Makers sense....a breaker is a spring loaded device that can fail. Many a house has burned down due to breakers not turning off.

Damn, I got hit with 220 once as a 16 year old kid, working at a Days Inn. I was changing an AC unit that was hard wired in. I shut the breaker off, but didn't use a tester, and got zapped bigtime. The breaker was labeled wrong!! Never again!!

110 isn't so bad.......220 leaves marks.....eek...