Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

Andrew Weissmann Predicts ‘The former president will be prosecuted’
104,727 views Aug 26, 2022 Former DOJ prosecutor Andrew Weissmann reacts to the redacted Mar-a-Lago search warrant affidavit that was unsealed and shows Trump mishandled classified documents.

Andrew Weissmann Predicts ‘The former president will be prosecuted’
104,727 views Aug 26, 2022 Former DOJ prosecutor Andrew Weissmann reacts to the redacted Mar-a-Lago search warrant affidavit that was unsealed and shows Trump mishandled classified documents.
i think one reason garland is taking it slow is i think they are figuring out where all these proud bois and oaf keepers are located and what they are planning. i'm a bit worried about what's gonna go down WHEN he is perp walked.
i think one reason garland is taking it slow is i think they are figuring out where all these proud bois and oaf keepers are located and what they are planning. i'm a bit worried about what's gonna go down WHEN he is perp walked.
I’m hoping that some other holders of high office are being looked at. Moscow Mitch, MagaCarthy and Mayhem Graham come to mind. Gan and Qbert will probably do something criminally stupid, if they haven’t already done so.

I imagine a case could also be made that that man’s Scotus picks and their passage through a preemptively partisan Congress were bad-faith hires.
Add Justice Thomas and his insurrectionist wife, and we might be able to actually save America.
i think one reason garland is taking it slow is i think they are figuring out where all these proud bois and oaf keepers are located and what they are planning. i'm a bit worried about what's gonna go down WHEN he is perp walked.
I think at this point they are being watched like hawks and are riddled with rats and informants. It will be an opportunity to get rid of them piecemeal.

I think the real circus will happen when he is indicted in Georgia and the trial there will be on TV and an epic 3 ring circus, inside the courtroom, on the steps outside and in the media! It is pretty obvious that nobody wants to indict Donald yet, he is of more use ripping the guts out of the GOP from the inside. This has got him dancing and howling in Mitch's lap, indicting him would see him muzzled by a judge.
i hate to say it but we aren't nearly as advanced as i thought the US was. tRump really brought out the deep seated racism, misogynism , anti semitism anti muslim anti brown people that apparently was just under the surface ready to boil over.
I experienced a similar letdown. As a kid I swallowed the propaganda whole that we were in the Modern Age. It took time and pain to realize that this is another chapter in medieval history. We have flashy tech, but our sociopolitics are not advanced past the eleventh century imo. I dread things getting bad enough that the horrors of the Thirty Years’ War might be revisited and “improved”.
i hate to say it but we aren't nearly as advanced as i thought the US was. tRump really brought out the deep seated racism, misogynism , anti semitism anti muslim anti brown people that apparently was just under the surface ready to boil over.
It is about where I always figured it was, maybe even a little better. I was floored when Obama actually won the presidency.
i hate to say it but we aren't nearly as advanced as i thought the US was. tRump really brought out the deep seated racism, misogynism , anti semitism anti muslim anti brown people that apparently was just under the surface ready to boil over.

We're just watered down versions of our previous selves- our parents. Technology grew faster than the lesser of 100, can handle..this has caused a deep problem. Regulation from Congress needs to happen with SM or we'll have a mob gather and attack individual citizens at the drop of a hat.

Trump wanted to do that very thing with warrant know who, but it backfired like Roe.
It is about where I always figured it was, maybe even a little better. I was floored when Obama actually won the presidency.
Not for me
In my golfing group
I saw guys in their late 50’s all pumped up about going to see kid rock concerts
I couldn’t understand why
Then when Trump hit
They all lost their minds and went full on liberal hating
My response was and always will be how you gonna identify them
Little did I know the dumb bastards thought it was by color
I had no clue it was that big of group
I think at this point they are being watched like hawks and are riddled with rats and informants. It will be an opportunity to get rid of them piecemeal.

I think the real circus will happen when he is indicted in Georgia and the trial there will be on TV and an epic 3 ring circus, inside the courtroom, on the steps outside and in the media! It is pretty obvious that nobody wants to indict Donald yet, he is of more use ripping the guts out of the GOP from the inside. This has got him dancing and howling in Mitch's lap, indicting him would see him muzzled by a judge.
Your unwanted image of the Ochre Ogre giving Moscow Mitch a lap dance will land you in HELL, sir!

Have you NO shame at all?
We're just watered down versions of our previous selves- our parents. Technology grew faster than the lesser of 100, can handle..this has caused a deep problem. Regulation from Congress needs to happen with SM or we'll have a mob gather and attack individual citizens at the drop of a hat.

Trump wanted to do that very thing with warrant know who, but it backfired like Roe.
I don’t know what lesser of 100
or SM mean.
I happened into a fundie congregation in the end 70s.
The current evangelical assault was there, fully formed like Venus on the half-shell. Members of staid respectable churches never bothered to look at the tongue-speakers.

The strictures on sexual behavior have the specific purpose of instilling a Stockholm syndrome. Obeying the strictures is a difficult and unnatural act, whose psychological payload is “Do NOT tell me that I did all this for nothing, or worse than nothing!” Much harder to deprogram than it ever was to consent to it.
In the clutches of puberty as I was, I spent many nights writing in sweat and anguish over my INABILITY to keep ‘dirty thoughts’ out of my mind, and my body chemistry, and so my failure to live up to the expectations I was told Jesus had for me…and praying like hell for forgiveness for something I absolutely couldn’t *control* no matter how I tried.

I weas eventuallly forced to the conclusion that Christianity as it had been given to me was anti-human, it could not help but put me at war with the body I didn’t ask for and couldn’t trade in. At 15, my parents dropped me off at the church & watch me walk in before they drove away…and went down the stairs, too a double left down the hall…and out the back door & into the woods.

I spent the next hour or two sitting in the sunlight, next to a trickling stream, listening to the birds, the water, and the wind in the trees…and I KNEW suddenly and without a shred of doubt that if God were in the vicinity, he was out there, in the Sun by the creek, with me - and not in that building with its Sunday Christians & their missionary drives and their building fund and their constant grooming and scolding
i think one reason garland is taking it slow is i think they are figuring out where all these proud bois and oaf keepers are located and what they are planning. i'm a bit worried about what's gonna go down WHEN he is perp walked.
There’s been talk of them (and others) attacking the GA Capitol when he appears for trial & taking him away with them. Having been to the Capitol there, I think that would be…interesting.

It could work - if enough of APD is in the tank for him…but that would kick over a bunch of stuff
In the clutches of puberty as I was, I spent many nights writing in sweat and anguish over my INABILITY to keep ‘dirty thoughts’ out of my mind, and my body chemistry, and so my failure to live up to the expectations I was told Jesus had for me…and praying like hell for forgiveness for something I absolutely couldn’t *control* no matter how I tried.

I weas eventuallly forced to the conclusion that Christianity as it had been given to me was anti-human, it could not help but put me at war with the body I didn’t ask for and couldn’t trade in. At 15, my parents dropped me off at the church & watch me walk in before they drove away…and went down the stairs, too a double left down the hall…and out the back door & into the woods.

I spent the next hour or two sitting in the sunlight, next to a trickling stream, listening to the birds, the water, and the wind in the trees…and I KNEW suddenly and without a shred of doubt that if God were in the vicinity, he was out there, in the Sun by the creek, with me - and not in that building with its Sunday Christians & their missionary drives and their building fund and their constant grooming and scolding
Two things did it for me. The first was that prayer did not operate as promised. After a decade of the figurative brick wall, I lapsed into an unresolved nonobservance. “You know where to find me, divine unknown.”

What kicked it for me is a realization not ten years old. The test of a religion is not miracle or mystic event.

It is: do the adherents of a given doctrine have, on average, a better life than the rest of us?

The answer has been an unrelieved No. That gave me the lever by which I am still displacing old, old guilt.