a view point from the natgeo show last night...


Well-Known Member
well i hope that out of all the riu members that saw this show last not i am not the only one that thinks the show did more harm then good.

i would like some feed back on my reasioning and even counter arguments.

the show made the who medical pot thing seem like a joke. i would say for 1/3 of the show the had the "prince of pot" on making a total fool of himself and this cause. if we ever want to see pot made legal or even decriminalized we cant have stoner culture backing it up.

any viewer that was on the fence last night watching the grow room parts is probably going to dislike legalization. why would someone need a grow room that big for 3 people?

over all the show may have had a neutral interviewer but the parts where its had all those hippy fucks saying how they want to get high isnt going to get middle America to back them up that show did alot of harm last night now it time for damage control


Well-Known Member
I liked the part where they showed the people going to get checked out for their medi card.

"I broke my finger several years ago..."... I am sure there was more to this guys story but they seemed to cut the rest out. I was thinking - godamn! I broke bones in the past I must qualify.


Active Member
did anyone notice the two programs before on heroin and meth .Seemed to me was trying to lump all three together.That prince of pot dude was a fucking joke, did you notice the way the reporter chick was smirking at him ,in my opinionhe did not further the cause of legalization.


Junior Creatologist
He never did further the cause of legalization. what he did for us, was ship MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of seeds from canada to the US. There is a huge court battle right now trying to get this guy extradited to the US so he can stand trial for smuggling or some type of charge like that. If it werent for him, ALOT of us wouldnt have had seeds to grow with back a couple years ago. That dude that made an ass of himself did more for the pot community than most of us ever will - just because somebody doesnt do something positive towards legalization, doesnt mean hes not an awesome motherfucker.

Anyways, When they do shit like this, its to make the pot community look like a shitload of burnouts. Fuck what people think though, let them think were morons, it isnt up to them wether the medicinal bill gets passed. What we NEED is for the pot community to get out and start putting petitions up in gas stations, and headshops, so we can get the signatures we need in each state to get a bill proposed, and voted on in state legislature. Those programs might not have made our community look good, but it doesnt make a fuckin damn bit of difference either way.

Lets get real here. while Legalization would be great, most of us aint gonna see it for a loooooooooong looooooong time. Medicinal use and decriminilazation are right around the corner however, and fortunately we dont need unanimity for that. we just need the majority vote in the senate. Hell, its even possible that well see medicinal use get implied on a federal level soon, with Obama in office, and the Democratic Majority on Capitol Hill now (and liberal), anything is possible - were just waiting on the right bill to get presented after the inaugaration. Tests are being done on cannabis right now as we speak, and it was just proven a matter of months ago that Cannabis slows down the reproduction of Cancer cells in lung Cancer, Prostate cancer, and several other common forms of Cancer. Its basically getting proven every single day that there are more useful applications for pot, than there are reasons to keep it outlawed.

So fuck what National Geographic has to say. if they wanna make us look dumb, let them keep thinking that were docile, stupid, harmless hippies n stoners who dont know shit and are never gonna have an impact on the community. We know the truth, and once shit is medicinal, Piss testing will become irrelevant for people who have cards, which means that MILLIONS more people will be more inclined to get a job, now that they dont have to worry about having to stop smoking pot if they do. n then, well be the ones laughing at the fuckin assholes who have given us a bad rep over the last few fuckin decades, when we prove that we are, in fact, a group of highly intelligent people who just like to relax n enjoy a toke from time to time.

Of course there are morons among us, but what fuckin community doesnt have a villiage idiot or two man?? :D


Sector 5 Moderator
Natgeo is one of the most highly political machines on TV, always a leftist spin too. I got so sick and tired of watching the so-called "experts" I never even consider watching it anymore. I can only imagine what the show "The missing years of Jesus" was all about. Somehow they have experts that knew him when he was a boy, videos and his autobiography - but they are the only ones to come up with this. Yeah right. What a bunch of morons.


Active Member
I didn't watch the show, but I did record it. I'll watch it this evening. As for anyones point of view, if you ain't wit me you're against me. Let's ride this shit out together everyone. I accepted the fact that I'm a criminal when I was 18 and caught my first Posession of Paraphenalia case. LOL. Whether it's legal or not, it'll always be a part of my life. F uncle Sam and his laws based on GREED and CONTROL. Mi be dee true rebel mon. One Love


Well-Known Member
if we want to see this get done we cant have stoner culture behind it. hippies are to radical we need a spokesperson that is clean cut dosent appear to have a drug problem and is sucessuful in some sort. think how drug dealers get cought. we need to make this look innocent


mainstream media never puts it in a realistic perspective.... its always stoners and hippies.... granted ALL stoners are like that, just not all of the time... most of these shows make us out to be less than intelligent, goofy stoners, who's words go in one ear and out the other with a nod and a smile.... the closest thing i have seen to a "good" weed documentary on mainstream tv is the history channel's "illegal drugs and how they got that way"....


Well-Known Member
i can smoke 3 pounds a year. that room was supplying 3 people, per harvest. lol

i am a "stoner". isn't that the whole point?

"if you were given some seeds ........................" i think that summed it up. :)


Well-Known Member
if we want to see this get done we cant have stoner culture behind it. hippies are to radical we need a spokesperson that is clean cut dosent appear to have a drug problem and is sucessuful in some sort. think how drug dealers get cought. we need to make this look innocent

I don't know about making it look innocent, I think its best to let it look like what it is! To try and hide means there is something to hide! We have alcoholics in society, we also have pot heads that are pretty damn pointless. If those ppl quit smoking today, they would just be pointless people. I'm not asking for it to be legal ASAP, I do however feel the laws are too stiff. I got busted for a joint, and now have a possession charge on my permanent driving record... That my friend is out of control! I and many people I associate with are 6 figure income individuals and 1/2 have families. We take care of our business... I am glad to see it is a constant topic and not dismissed. Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
It really didn't have a negative overtone to it and in no way whatsoever was marijuana put in the same light as the other drug shows before it, they were not really critical of pot at all imho if you really compare the shows and how they talked about each.

I said in another thread on this subject that I think Marc Emery has graduated to meth. I Know a lot of people hold him up there for sainthood almost but if he were any other regular person on the street you'd think the same. We all know for a fact pot does not make you act like he was while he was up on that second floor smoking area. If you doubt, watch that part a couple more times and notice every body movement and word.

Anyway, yea, that was not good with the insanely huge grow or Marc Emery or etc but whether they show stupid stoners with pot or not that's a given in everyones mind you worry about anyway, and no number of "make you want to cry dying medical patients" will change that.
You say marijuana and instantly every person who will vote against you thinks "god damn hippies".

We'll never see legalization in our lifetime, just not gonna happen. Obama said no, he meant decriminalization. We'll be really lucky if decrim laws pass at a fed level for everyone, but we sure will have medical soon no matter who wants to fight it. That's an argument even the DEA won't get into any longer. The DEA's stance now on POT is a very firm "We don't make the laws, we enforce them." and funny enough wouldn't you know that was the first words out of that guys mouth on the show. You could tell flat out he felt he needed to make excuses and pass the buck before saying a damn thing. He seemed to be trying to hide a little guilt about it was how it seemed to me anyway, and isn't he the drug czar?


Active Member
does anyone have a link to view the video on the internet? i've been looking with no success and i work all the time so i won't get to catch it when it reairs on saturday on tv..


Well-Known Member
Yeah I seen the show too. I also watched the meth one. No way did they make pot look as bad as meth, but they still didn't make it look too good. Yes they show some medical stuff, but look at that one guy who got a med card for a broken finger from years ago. That just makes the whole system look like they hand a med card out to anyone for anything. They also did make Marc Emery look like a joke.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I seen the show too. I also watched the meth one. No way did they make pot look as bad as meth, but they still didn't make it look too good. Yes they show some medical stuff, but look at that one guy who got a med card for a broken finger from years ago. That just makes the whole system look like they hand a med card out to anyone for anything. They also did make Marc Emery look like a joke.

betcha he could have gotten a script for vicodin from his regular DR just as easy. ;)


Well-Known Member
"That just makes the whole system look like they hand a med card out to anyone for anything. "

Well we kind of do actually though... In Cali anyway for sure.

He said he had a crushed finger, not only broken. When you crush a finger seriously odds are good you end up with nerve damage which gives you some of the weirdest and sometimes even worst pain you can imagine at various times for a lifetime. It doesn't matter one bit if it's just a finger or years ago but of course that schmuck didn't elaborate. He wouldn't have gotten a card still if he didn't claim the pain was still ongoing, that's the rules. If he lied or anyone else that's on them.

They didn't make Marc Emery look like a joke, he made himself look like one.


Active Member
Dang kids deleted it off of the DVR. I'll have to catch it some other time. Not that it's really important. I could care less now that I hear the way they're portraying it though


Well-Known Member
its a good watch but i dont like to identify with the stoner culture. i hate seeing a bunch of hippies ruin something that has been so great for my. i am an organic chemist by trade and i enjoy the challenge and learning experiance cannabis brings to my life. seeing it protrayed as a counter culture tool is dissapointing


Well-Known Member
Soon as I saw Emerys eyes I knew he was on something other than weed. You see the size of those eye bags? Looked like the skin under his eyes was melting away.

And I agree, meth would make you look like that. Coke too.