I'm glad to see that Biden isn't pushing that stupid defund the police nonsense and is requesting more money. Let's hope he gets this funding through Congress. I'm sure a bunch of Democrats are going to try and block it. Defunding the police was stupid to begin with.
"According to the White House, the requested funding would be used in hiring and training 100,000 new police officers for "accountable community policing," clearing court backlogs, solving murders and setting up community task forces to share intelligence. The funds would also target crimes not directly related to guns, such as fentanyl trafficking. "
Biden to unveil $37B budget request for funding law enforcement, crime prevention
President Joe Biden will unveil an expanded budget request to Congress with $37 billion in funding for law enforcement and crime prevention for his "Safer America Plan."abcnews.go.com
The police are not the be all, end all. "defund" simply meant just that..you don't need an AR-15 to kill a mosquito; just by having them show can be more of an instigation than not.
Meet the STAR program.

Denver successfully sent mental health professionals, not police, to hundreds of calls
The STAR program was able to respond to 748 calls in 6 months. No calls required the assistance of police, and no one was arrested.
It can be done. Fact.