How Do You Sativa People Do It In A 4X4?

In the past I've grown mostly hybrids and never worried too much about height.

My Early Miss auto did get some legs under her, at about three feet I started pulling over her tops.

She is a cross between a classic Original White Widow and Big Bud.

Betty three 16 Jan 2021 web.jpg

This grow is mostly Sativa photos. One in particular, a Double Chocolate is reaching for the stars !

I'm using a 600w MH/HPS in roughly a 5' x 5' space so I need to be able to rotate the plants.

The girls are on 14" x 14" pieces of 1/2" plywood with four casters. Super easy to move around !

Castors 27 July Day 19.jpg

Once the Double Chocolate reached 34" I stabbed her with three bamboo stakes and made a 22" metal hoop out of bailing wire !

I left all twelve of her tops and pulled them down onto the wire in the shape of a wreath.

Right now I've got about 12" of what would have been vertical growth tied down.

At only day 8 of 12/12 there is likely lots of stretch left and I will have to start pulling the tops into the center to maintain a lower canopy.

A kind of scrog but moveable ;)

Day 8 Double Chocolate  4 Sept.jpg

Full grow journal here.

There is no secret to growing cannabis. It's an extremely easy to grow plant if you don't get caught up in all the fiddle faddle people do these days.

Truth! It's a fucking weed that will grow seven foot tall out of a crack in the cement if you let it. I've seen a 4' tall plant with an 18" donkey dick growing out of a 20 oz. cola bottle before. It's a weed that will grow anywhere you let it.
There is no secret to growing cannabis. It's an extremely easy to grow plant if you don't get caught up in all the fiddle faddle people do these days. I didn't do anything revolutionary by growing that plant. Anyone can do it. They just need to understand plants. New growers are more focused on brand and type of light, nutrient line, some dudes seeds on instagram. Many lack even a basic knowledge of plant anatomy. They have the latest LED, 12 bottles of Whiz Bang Nutrients, the latest 6 site super fantastic recirculating atomic drip system, apps on their phone to monitor everything, hell they can turn everything off from across the world as long as they have an internet connection. Yet many lack the ability to successfully germinate a seed and start a seedling, make a clone, or even know when to water.

Sorry for the open forum message that should probably be a DM, but I'm a dinosaur and think the exchange of ideas in a public forum should be out in the open for all to see.

Your above statement just sticks with me.

I know I'm a old fucking blowhard who likes to write too much, over emphasize and over explain. But I most assuredly do not "mansplain", that shit don't fly with my wife... "she gotta a frying pan, so I listen" (thank you _so_ much Blue Wizard for posting Junior Brown). But you communicated in one paragraph what I've spent the last 40 years trying to do, and the last couple of months trying to explain to readers here on RIU, with absolutely no success.

I would like to use your above cannabis development philosophy on the SEL website, with full and complete attribution to whatever name, nym, website (can't link to it though, I don't promote, pimp or whore anything on the site) or organization you desire. If it's cool, just let me know how to phrase the attribution.

I'd guess you're probably not up for being my editor on the website? o_O
Sorry for the open forum message that should probably be a DM, but I'm a dinosaur and think the exchange of ideas in a public forum should be out in the open for all to see.

Your above statement just sticks with me.

I know I'm a old fucking blowhard who likes to write too much, over emphasize and over explain. But I most assuredly do not "mansplain", that shit don't fly with my wife... "she gotta a frying pan, so I listen" (thank you _so_ much Blue Wizard for posting Junior Brown). But you communicated in one paragraph what I've spent the last 40 years trying to do, and the last couple of months trying to explain to readers here on RIU, with absolutely no success.

I would like to use your above cannabis development philosophy on the SEL website, with full and complete attribution to whatever name, nym, website (can't link to it though, I don't promote, pimp or whore anything on the site) or organization you desire. If it's cool, just let me know how to phrase the attribution.

I'd guess you're probably not up for being my editor on the website? o_O

Anything I post online is in the public domain once I hit the submit button. I don't care what anyone does with what I post.

I don't have a cannabis development policy. I just grow plants. Most plants require the same things. I just forget I'm growing cannabis and treat it like most plants. Some refer to cannabis specific but the same requirements that apply to cannabis apply to thousands of other plants. With cannabis there's always another product to buy in that quest for the primo bud. Primo bud can be had with just good genetics and keeping the plants healthy. Cannabis can be kept healthy with just simple inexpensive nutrients. You can explain that forever but many will always believe that adding another product will make some huge difference in the final result.
Anything I post online is in the public domain once I hit the submit button. I don't care what anyone does with what I post.

I don't have a cannabis development policy. I just grow plants. Most plants require the same things. I just forget I'm growing cannabis and treat it like most plants. Some refer to cannabis specific but the same requirements that apply to cannabis apply to thousands of other plants. With cannabis there's always another product to buy in that quest for the primo bud. Primo bud can be had with just good genetics and keeping the plants healthy. Cannabis can be kept healthy with just simple inexpensive nutrients. You can explain that forever but many will always believe that adding another product will make some huge difference in the final result.
So, as long as I put something to the effect of... "xtsho on RIU said it _so_ much better than I have" is cool with you?

No need to respond, unless you don't want me to put that... thank you.
So, as long as I put something to the effect of... "xtsho on RIU said it _so_ much better than I have" is cool with you?

No need to respond, unless you don't want me to put that... thank you.

I don't care what you do as long as you don't selectively edit anything I've posted. All or none is my preference but there is really nothing I can do about it.
I don't care what you do as long as you don't selectively edit anything I've posted. All or none is my preference but there is really nothing I can do about it.
His website is interesting I read every page
,Quick summary, he created this super dope version of NL he calls Southeast Lights but we'll never get our hands on it because he doesn't share/trade or sell and he'll never reveal his secret identity etc. It's like Batman meets the Lucky Charms guy, I LOVE IT.
I'd think more Owsley Stanley and Hunter S Thompson bang Grace Slick and nobody knows who really spawned this bastard is... but everybody is entitled to their opinion. o_O
Owsley created something great (pure lsd) & shared it with everyone. He invested his acid profits into the Sound Wall everyone enjoyed at Dead Shows. Hunter created something great (writing) & shared it with everyone. So please, tell me how you _ not sharing your creation _ should be linked up in the spirit of Thompson & Stanley. I stand by my assertion you're more Lucky Charms ;-) Easy way to change my mind BTW, share the seeds. Or don't man, you're still fascinating either way lol
Owsley created something great (pure lsd) & shared it with everyone. He invested his acid profits into the Sound Wall everyone enjoyed at Dead Shows. Hunter created something great (writing) & shared it with everyone. So please, tell me how you _ not sharing your creation _ should be linked up in the spirit of Thompson & Stanley. I stand by my assertion you're more Lucky Charms ;-) Easy way to change my mind BTW, share the seeds. Or don't man, you're still fascinating either way lol
Because like Owsley, I don't do it for profit, my motive is pure. Can't speak to Hunter S as I don't know all the specifics of his life, other than the fact he grew up in the same neighborhood that I did, so I know exactly the environment he grew up in, 10 or 15 years later, and he was a brilliantly effective communicator. I've read most of his books. But he didn't die fucking millionaire, so I highly doubt that his motive was profit or marketing what he created, that was for people who gave a shit about that stuff. If you've actually read his works, you know that's correct.

He had something to say and he said it, regardless of how others might have confused or misunderstand what he was actually trying to communicate.

And if you really read most of my website, you know _exactly_ what I'm doing this for. SouthEast Lights is so far from what _anyone_ would consider "super dope". I'm at a total and complete loss how you could come to that conclusion if you actually read the website. Somewhere in there I know I've said it doesn't all smell all that great, it doesn't look all that resiny, and depending on when I harvest it, it may or may not look like shit. But it's the _effect_ is what matters to me.

Like everyone, you are certainly entitled to your assertion, but your assumptions are so _very_ far from what I'm communicating.

It makes me doubt your reading comprehension, actual knowledge and comprehension of what Hunter S Thompson really wrote about. But then again, it's easy to just grab a avatar and think it represents something cool.

A leprechaun or a dinosaur... what anyone's characterization of me doesn't really matter.
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Because like Owsley, I don't do it for profit, my motive is pure. Can't speak to Hunter S as I don't know all the specifics of his life, other than the fact he grew up in the same neighborhood that I did, so I know exactly the environment he grew up in, 10 or 15 years later, and he was a brilliantly effective communicator. I've read most of his books. But he didn't die fucking millionaire, so I highly doubt that his motive was profit or marketing what he created, that was for people who gave a shit about that stuff. If you've actually read his works, you know that's correct.

He has something to say and he said it, regardless of how others might have confused or misunderstand what he was actually trying to communicate.

And if you really read most of my website, you know _exactly_ what I'm doing this for.

Like everyone, you are certainly entitled to your assertion.(:
I just can't comprehend putting decades of work into a project, telling everyone about it & then never sharing it (even just for free, since you're not interested in profit). It's very Charlie In the chocolate factory but without letting the kids in ;-)
You said you didn't care, so :lol:.
PW we haven't bumped into each other since all of my deleted threads, didn't mean to offend you by the Cheeto comment, I hope we can disagree without being disagreeable.

I have no idea what's going on with the quote you quoted and could quite frankly give a shit, but please don't trash or troll this thread. I think you understand by now I'm not a snowflake, liberal pussy who doesn't know how to respond on an internet forum.

But it seems like most of the assholes around here you've put in your Sig tag in a derogatory manner, and I certainly agree with their replacement there. I got narc'd out by one of 'em, had a week imposed time out, but I'll respond to the numbers nym newbie in due time.

I wonder if Mommy is still okay with the plants being outside, as long as they don't smell?
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PW we haven't bumped into each other since all of my deleted threads, didn't mean to offend you by the Cheeto comment, I hope we can disagree without being disagreeable.

I have no idea what's going on with the quote you quoted and could quite frankly give a shit, but please don't trash or troll this thread. I think you understand by now I'm not a snowflake, liberal pussy who doesn't know how to respond on an internet forum.

But it seems like most of the assholes around here you've put in your Sig tag in a derogatory manner, and I certainly agree with their replacement there. I got narc'd out by one of 'em, had a week imposed time out, but I'll respond to the numbers nym newbie in due time.

I wonder if Mommy is still okay with the plants being outside, as long as they don't smell?
Chill man. I didn't care about the Cheeto comment, but they don't allow the politics shit outta that section, and I'm glad.

My post to @xtsho was just a joke. He knows that. At least he better, :lol:. We both have good taste in music, :bigjoint:. I was just having fun with him. You seem a little too sensitive.
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Flower them early and skip any long vegging time. Supercropping is your friend. I crammed this one in. I won't be doing that again though. I let it get too big before flowering.
what is that in, a half cup of dirt? lol good lord thats the biggest plant ive ever seen in that amount of dirt
Chill man. I didn't care about the Cheeto comment, but they don't allow the politics shit outta that section, and I'm glad.

My post to @xtsho was just a joke. He knows that. We both have good taste in music, :bigjoint:. I was just having fun with him. You seem a little too sensitive.
This is a new experience for the dinosaur, I'm not real familiar with the cliques, who does what, who likes who and who doesn't. Don't care. I thought the photoshop quote was a joke, but the response indicated that it wasn't. I just don't want this thread to get shit canned, the old dinosaur is learning.
This is a new experience for the dinosaur, I'm not real familiar with the cliques, who does what, who likes who and who doesn't. Don't care. I thought the photoshop quote was a joke, but the response indicated that it wasn't. I just don't want this thread to get shit canned, the old dinosaur is learning.
I like to joke around.

I wasn't offended at all. You started talking politics, and that will end a thread quickly every time.
Because like Owsley, I don't do it for profit, my motive is pure. Can't speak to Hunter S as I don't know all the specifics of his life, other than the fact he grew up in the same neighborhood that I did, so I know exactly the environment he grew up in, 10 or 15 years later, and he was a brilliantly effective communicator. I've read most of his books. But he didn't die fucking millionaire, so I highly doubt that his motive was profit or marketing what he created, that was for people who gave a shit about that stuff. If you've actually read his works, you know that's correct.

He had something to say and he said it, regardless of how others might have confused or misunderstand what he was actually trying to communicate.

And if you really read most of my website, you know _exactly_ what I'm doing this for. SouthEast Lights is so far from what _anyone_ would consider "super dope". I'm at a total and complete loss how you could come to that conclusion if you actually read the website. Somewhere in there I know I've said it doesn't all smell all that great, it doesn't look all that resiny, and depending on when I harvest it, it may or may not look like shit. But it's the _effect_ is what matters to me.

Like everyone, you are certainly entitled to your assertion, but your assumptions are so _very_ far from what I'm communicating.

It makes me doubt your reading comprehension, actual knowledge and comprehension of what Hunter S Thompson really wrote about. But then again, it's easy to just grab a avatar and think it represents something cool.

A leprechaun or a dinosaur... what anyone's characterization of me matters about as much as what Donald Trump has to say.

What’s your website? I wanna see this Southeast Lights, you got me interested.
What’s your website? I wanna see this Southeast Lights, you got me interested.