I have a offer to the right person

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uhhh......speechless. It is an experiment on the gullibility of stoners. like a stoner iq test and you all fail especally Mike what are you thinking? Still it is entertaining how dumb some people are
You ever read your own name?
And what happened to you being speechless?
I liked that about you so much.:fire:
yes I am got a nice little grow going but I know that things that sound too good to be true are.... shit I forget but oh well
you people get angry when someone fucks with your dreams huh? what if I said I posted this thread under coming on strong and you were all just enertainment for the last hour and a half before work?
fdd2blk thanks for that. I forget she's not quite as young as I might like to remember. OK, half, I'll do half cost and Bjork, not free, but she doesn't have to put out we can just hang out the whole time. :)
you people get angry when someone fucks with your dreams huh? what if I said I posted this thread under coming on strong and you were all just enertainment for the last hour and a half before work?
I would say congratulations on wasting an hour of my time and yours.
It wasn't a "Dream" you wanna know my dream, for there to be an age limit on the internet, so i don't hear kids like you talk all the time.
Well then I'd say congrats, that was a fun thread.

Do you by any chance know Bjork though, or have a friend of a friend maybe who knows someone that knows someone that knows her? You could still help a fella out.

How tall are you, and are you willing to shave and dress up and just sing a couple of her classics for me?
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