Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Almost 80° and nice later. Great night......hung out with a bunch of friends by a big camp fire and had a blast listening to a cool dude with a guitar.

How's everyone's Thursday looking?
It's the first night of the town festival. Gotta get some junk food today while the oil is still fresh and before all the daytrippers arrive
Every day is your Friday lol

Have any plans?

I'm thinking go hang out at the royal botanical gardens for the day and have lunch. Supposed to be 79 and sunny tomorrow.

Baby turtle eggs from the Dogwood Bog. They thrive in the crick, so many diff kinds, bunny haven too. This makes it a hunting ground, saw a Coyote with a rabbit in its mouth. Will try and get baby turtle pics later, Blu, the great Dane, just has a freaking ball playing with them. Never hurts them, just noses em around.


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