Who's Down With Jesus?


Well-Known Member
I very much so, have a fondness for Jesus teachings. When put into action they are a beautiful thing. Talk is cheap.

He was a very wise boy / man who cared and loved others....nothing wrong with that eh!

Ron Paul For The Win!!!


Well-Known Member
Isn't that Joel Osteen's church, basically? Don't get me wrong, he has 'Jesus' fundamentally (or God, so to speak) at his core. But he doesn't really talk about anything "convicting" (like rules about divorce, that you mentioned, etc.). I bet they wouldn't judge someone for that at the church either... that is why so many conservatives don't like Him.

He's the one with the huge church in the old Houston Astrodome or whatever. Apparently this sort of thing is very popular. Basically his sermons are nothing but encouragement.

Don't tell me there aren't churches like that out in Northern Cali! Hell, I live in North Carolina in the middle of the Bible Belt, and I can find churches like that. :-P

One thing I try to keep in mind is that, like many things in life, there is no such thing as a perfect church... there are only churches that we can try to make more perfect by encouraging others with the love Christ showed us.

what about a "church of the godless"? just a church where they preach common morals and kindness but don't bow down to a higher up. a church of "the god in all of us". people have lost the path of kindness. give sermons on how to say "yes please" and "thank you". :)


Well-Known Member
This guy is insane.. You guys havo to wote him for president next time lol




Well-Known Member
i was going thru a "rough patch" years ago. i had some friends who were into the "orthodox catholic church" down the road. i went to them for "help". only a few weeks and a handful of services but i got it. the services were really cool. small church, maybe 100 people crammed standing in the room. the service was all sung out. incense and candles burning. darkly lit room. it was really a very "spiritual" atmosphere. all the people were very nice. i attended a few "picnic" type events and really like the sense of community and welcomeness (is that a word?) i received. it was just all the god blahditty blah that turned me away. i saw a few things that just were not right but were justified because it was "gods way". simple things like people having to stay married because the religion does not allow divorce. people who clearly understood that they may be a lot happier apart, yet they felt they had to make "sacrifices" because of their beliefs. that's just hard for me to hold onto. if they could do it all without god i'd be there eveyday. :)

Got me some Jesus education a few moons ago (quite a few).
When I was bumming around up North I took a baptist evangelist to Cedar bay in return for him paying some fines I had managed to attract for some herb and implements :roll:
After I brought him out of the bay, I stayed with the baptist head bloke in Cairns for a few days. Quite scary when they talk about 'The Devil'. They appear to have a genuine fear of being tricked by 'Satan'.
Far too zealous in their religious parctices for me. Dancing is a sin, but singing isn't. Associating with non-christians, even some other christian faiths is a sin.

Now the Krisnas are different. They're friendly, but you have to abstain from sex except for making babies.

The Ba'Hai's (sp?) I like. Part of their religion' rules are that they cannot preach their religion to others. If someone asks, they can give them answers, but you can't do a 'Jehovah's Witness' on someone.

In every census we've had in Australia, I list my religion as a 'Devoted Happy'. Some people I knew in the late 70's to early 80's were planning on starting a religion to get tax free land :mrgreen:.

That was the name they came up with.
A Devoted Happy must always do their best to share happiness in the world. That's about the whole ideology of our little church.
"Come Aboard Sinners! The Devoted Happys will save you!! Wrap your laughing gear around this little number."

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Not me.But as long as you don't spam up the entire forum, believe what you want.Also realize that shoving beliefs down people's throats isn't the way to "heaven".Have a good one.
Listen to me!

Who else is down with Jesus?

I wear slippers and I am too a poor vagabond!

Who else is in the REVOLUTION?


I'm on a mission from God, I work for Him! Whom else?

Think about how life would be like with Me as your King!

I've literally had to go through hell. I know I'm talking to the world here!


The REVOLUTION has begun!

