Is this bud rot


Well-Known Member
Looks like it.. spray it with diluted proxide/water as you examine the inside of it.. this will help slow the spread of spores .. the site should be trimmed out and sprayed .. then clean the piss out of your room and fans/vents..


Well-Known Member
Sadly yes, looks like it. Bring some dilute H2O2 to the game in a spray bottle like farmerfischer said..


Well-Known Member
Yeah it was. On 2 buds, had to cut those off. Sadly the biggest bud of them all had it, the whole top part went to the garbage can, very sad, it was massive.

I’ve learned my lesson though, I’m buying a proper dehumidifier for my next flowering phase. I was lucky it was just on 2 buds though, I still got a nice harvest.