Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Morning ladies and gents....hope everything is good, and everyone is well......me and my tomato salads..... :shock:

woke up this morning to middlely humid 68F little bit of dew on the ground......high today 92F and a little steamy....got rain chances coming back this weekend...fingers crossed....hopefully not cause i still gotta clean up my tree mess that i did last weekend...

welp lets get a fresh cup of joe, titty up these taco's with some sauce and see who's willing to gives me millions of dollars for my info (yeah right)......
I only post here and pull the photos down .

looking like we’re going back up into the upper 70’s and even the low 80’s for the next 10 days with no rain if the forecast is right .

Metallica rules especially from the black album back. Watched a really good documentary on the band and was took back how they treated Jason for years . I’m surprised he stayed as long as he did .

They look great dude.
How’s your family?
‘Thanks ! Family doing well . My back and shoulder still hurts like a MF though . Seen baby Finn Sunday and she can’t sit still . I think her baby brain was able to heal itself after the stroke . Had some positive words from the lawyers yesterday. Hopefully we can get this law changed. Things should have changed after the last ruling but insurance companies still playing stall tactics.
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I only post here and pull the photos down .

looking like we’re going back up into the upper 70’s and even the low 80’s for the next 10 days with no rain if the forecast is right .

Metallica rules especially from the black album back. Watched a really good documentary on the band and was took back how they treated Jason for years . I’m surprised he stayed as long as he did .

‘Thanks ! Family doing well . My back and shoulder still hurts like a MF though Seen baby Finn Sunday and she can’t sit still . I think her baby brain was able to heal itself after the stroke . Had some positive words from the lawyers yesterday. Hopefully we can get this law changed. Things should have changed after the last ruling but insurance companies still playing stall tactics.
I like the pictures.