Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
What the ex wants is not relevant to the position she puts @Rswr in.

verb: cockblock
  1. prevent (someone) from succeeding in their attempt to engage in sexual activity.
    "are you that desperate that you will cock-block your friends so that they don't get any action?"
noun: cockblock
  1. a person who prevents someone from succeeding in their attempt to engage in sexual activity.
    "her cock block of a little brother barges into the room"

View attachment 5200077

I mean, my implicit honesty means I will probably just tell her she is barking up a shitty tree. Especially if she gasses me up with whiskey, the ol' no hold's tongue juice...


Well-Known Member
Same, it's why I bought the FX in the end. Ground up and smooshed down the nova barely fits 1.5 ounces.
I was basically down the middle on every infusion machine I looked at and went with the nova because I got some good coupons for a website that had nova as the only brand it stocked on that category.
Just get one :P
The levo can handle 2 oz if you get a second power.pod or use the 'french press hack'


Well-Known Member
Well everything looks to have survived this morning’s weather . Plants were all leaning over , branches tangled but nothing broke or snapped off .

@DarkWeb your making me hungry and the wife said something about making chili for supper . Chili dogs with fried pickle slices on the side sounds delicious right now .
Ok....sorry........so I shouldn't mention anything about the bacon, mushrooms and stuffed peppers then bongsmilie