Dog the Bounty( ful ) shithead ….. Christian Psycho
I have never been a racist,” the reality TV star said, mentioning his own Native American heritage. He then got into specifics.
“I thought I had a pass in the Black tribe to use [the N-word], kind of like Eminem,” Chapman said.
“I had just gotten out of prison in 1979 after spending 18 months in Texas and it was probably three quarters from the Black tribe. So that was a word that we used back-and-forth as maybe a compliment.”
He continued, “My pass expired for using it but no one told me that. To say a racist name doesn’t qualify to make you a racist.”
ET host Kevin Fazier, who is Black, countered that using the word is indeed a racist act, Chapman answered, “I have more Black friends than Eminem.”
That defense, of course, has been exposed by the New York Times and many others as “shorthand for weak denials of bigotry” and/or “cover for racist statements or actions.”
Cancelled in 3 …. 2 …. 1