Examples of GOP Leadership

Daddy Warbucks became Donny Dumbfuck.
Repubs im sure will spin this as a political plot.
But the NY AG sports the receipts , imagine saying a property is say 40,000 square feet at x amount of value …. Then property is assessed at a more constrained ( and irrefutable ) measured size and reduced “ value “.

Kind of hard to defend that.
No longer “ The art of the Deal “ more like “ Art of the Steal “. Word has it that bank fraud and wire fraud can push up to 30 years per count. And Tumbleweed hair Trump has been flagged for last 10 years ( even while president) in his property schemes. Amounts listed by Leticia James range up to Billions.

Orange Juggalo in a Orange jumpsuit.
The ‘New Apostolic Re-animation’ crowd is pushing him as the New Jesus, I shit you not.

Counting down to the END of ‘deeply-held religious beliefs’ as anything but a BIG RED FLAG…
The ‘New Apostolic Re-animation’ crowd is pushing him as the New Jesus, I shit you not.

Counting down to the END of ‘deeply-held religious beliefs’ as anything but a BIG RED FLAG…
In 50 years it would be said that Trump fed a packed stadium with five fish and a loaf of bread.

The reality would be that he brought the fish and the loaf of bread.
Thought Lindell was “ harboring “ Tina Peters by shuffling her whereabouts around. So there’s that.

Tina most likely shared computer information with Pillow Dick / Trump / Ron Watkins and others. Which implicates him with sensitive information. Smartmatic is pushing forward too.

Wonder what other juicy tidbits are locked in to his phone - his drug connections ?
MAGA Candidate Campaigning as Afghanistan Vet Has No Record of Serving There

J.R. Majewski, a far-right Ohio House candidate with ties to QAnon, appears to have misled voters about his military service

Read in Rolling Stone: https://apple.news/AqNllN_qhTyy-p7S4cQb8Ng

Sounds like a Stolen Valor crime - time to shake his tree.
Up to 5 years on this crime thanks to Obama 2013.

Jeezus … it’s like all the “ RED “ criminals decided to crawl out of the shitter.
Funny observation -

They call Trump “ Orange Jesus “ … should be “ Orange Judas “. Pronunciation was just off.

Hitting the Traveling Trump circus right in their lamb-skinned wallets is way to kill the beast. Not only will a deposition expose his real wealth ( or lack of ) , he now can face criminal charges for bank fraud , wire fraud , money laundering, etc.

A 250 million dollar penalty is pretty severe considering his purported 1.3 billion net worth.

Plus the insane amount of loan payments pending in a few years. Whether or not Donald Trump wins the election, lenders will expect his businesses to pay back an estimated $900 million in the next four years, an alarmingly accelerated timetable that involves more than twice as much debt as the president previously indicated.

In order to emerge unscathed, Trump will likely have to engage in a series of high-stakes, big-money transactions—deals that could produce arguably the biggest conflicts of interest that an American president has ever had to face.

Expect probably some real estate liquidation or maybe some seizures. Trump Tower will become
a walmart or Halloween Headquarters.
Four Sleazons Total Manscaping
“Servicing Yuuuge Penises since 1983”
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The ‘New Apostolic Re-animation’ crowd is pushing him as the New Jesus, I shit you not.

Counting down to the END of ‘deeply-held religious beliefs’ as anything but a BIG RED FLAG…
They really need to reopen the state hospitals and change the criteria for who gets to live in them. It's obvious many who won't take their meds, are running around loose and need supervision.