Lucky Luke
Well-Known Member
Don't be jealous Roger. If you are very lucky and have value to Australia you to could live on my little sparsely populated carbon neutral island. You would love it here. Lots of Shrubs. Clean air, clean water and plenty of food. Did i mention shrubs? If America, China and Russia go nuclear on each other there's a great chance life won't change much here, much like every war apart from the frontier wars. Would be an interesting thing to live through and see what eventuates in lots of's very strange that a lunatic living just about as far from a place as you can get on the planet, is still fixated on the "collecticve sins" of it's people. it also seems a little odd that according to this lunatic, this one place is to blame for the sins of the entire world...i wonder if he thinks that if that place is punished, it will absolve the rest of the world of their sins?...think we can find a cross big enough to crucify all of America at once? and who is big enough to hold the spear that will pierce the side of every American at once?...
you can consider us your whipping boy luke, but we fucking fight back...we aren't responsible for the ills of the would be even more fucked up without our influence, and you should know that.
I don't really believe in sins as im not a religious nutter. Perhaps being a god botherer taints your judgement.
Of cause your responsible for some of the ills of the world. How do you think you are not? As an Australian I'm nearly as responsible as you for the illegal invasion of Iraq (Aust really should of done what the French did) and the stupid war in Vietnam for eg. And yes, agreed the world could be more fkd up if it wasn't for America's influence but damn you have caused more than a few fk ups as well.
Its one of the beautiful things of choosing to live where i do, the world could go to hell in a handbasket and it probably won't affect me much at all. I could never go back to living in a city or amongst a large population. I'm going to Sydney in a few weeks for the grand opening of a new boat bar/nightclub and I'm already dreading the smell of that much humanity squeezed into such a small area that is Sydney. Cities just stink.
I also answered your question about who you can trust, who your real allies are you paranoid man. Strange you totally ignored that to have a little winge and a whine instead.
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