

Well-Known Member
I don’t think a cruise missile will do against silo-stored ballistic missiles. To me, that seems to be a job for Massive Ordnance Penetrator or perhaps a smaller follow-on that can be packed several to a B-2.

Heck, air supremacy seems not out of the question, in which case B-52s and Nato bombers can push the broom.

If we are not targeting the strategic stuff, then our options widen much. Cruise missiles and other standoff bombs will be pretty effective.
I'm just suggesting that technology might offer a way out of MAD especially when a mad man is on the other side, and we have good intelligence (we often do) he is about to do something profoundly stupid. A logical place to "test" out the concept would be in Korea and the South Koreas already said recently they had this precision missile capability and targets geolocated. They have a similar problem, though on a smaller scale... This shit isn't up to me, I'm just speculating on what technology is doing to war, changing it, as it always has.


Ursus marijanus
If such a thing were to be done, it would be all hands-on deck, stealth cruise missiles would be the first wave and defense radars would be among their targets. Other things would be used, but they can be detected, you don't need to destroy the silo, just prevent it from opening or have a smart loitering munition nearby when it does. Also, it's a cruise missile and can carry a large, shaped charge than can penetrate feet of concrete or steel.
Yeah I don’t know. I’m blue-skying. That said, my gut call is that silos are hardened way past vulnerability to cruise missiles.

While the thought of loitering stealth munitions is warm mental fare on a cool day, I suspect that the window of opportunity between open and launch is too short. Here is one of ours. The time between silo open and missile safely clear is about ten seconds.



Ursus marijanus
I'm just suggesting that technology might offer a way out of MAD especially when a mad man is on the other side, and we have good intelligence (we often do) he is about to do something profoundly stupid. A logical place to "test" out the concept would be in Korea and the South Koreas already said recently they had this precision missile capability and targets geolocated. They have a similar problem, though on a smaller scale... This shit isn't up to me, I'm just speculation on what technology is doing to war, changing it, as it always has.
I’m gonna say something familiar: not there yet.


Well-Known Member
I’m gonna say something familiar: not there yet.
That's what R&D and the billions spent on new weapons systems are for, given what I see in the civilian technology relm, new military possibilities abound. The first job of a military robot will be to kill people and perhaps nukes, they will fly first, not walk. They like a lot of futury things depend on developing battery technology and soon endurance will increase by 3 or 4 times for early adopter military stuff.


Well-Known Member
Mobility is King on the battlefield.
My father was a combat engineer for Patton in WW2. He told me that even though the US had larger tanks available Patton preferred the lighter faster Sherman, only in larger numbers. He believed that speed and mobility on the battlefield more valuable than the heavier firepower of bigger slower equipment. He knew that once you had your opponent on their heels in retreat that was the time to push and his army was know to strike lighting fast any time the enemy showed any retreat, never allow them to reestablish a line of defense. His army captured 150,000 german and italian soldiers in North Africa. and another 100,000 in Italy/Sicily.


Well-Known Member
True, Vlad's phone must be busy with all those calls from the units in the field, if he wants to command the military, I'd give the men his number! So many Russian officers and generals have been killed and Vlad fired dozens more, there isn't even an NCO corps in the Russian army, no wonder they lack leadership and direction when the shit hits the fan. With rock bottom morale they are ripe for collapse and mass surrender and that would be very bad for Vlad, worse than if they were killed.
The dead can't speak, but the living can talk to western media and make videos, then cause trouble when they come back home pissed off.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, I can see Vlad trying to give 10- or 15-year prison sentences to 10 or 20,000 war veterans who had to surrender because of his incompetence and corruption. I'm sure that will work out just fine...


Well-Known Member
I also have a suspicion that the US has some yet undisclosed defensive systems up her sleeve. Stuff they didn't even tell trump about so he couldn't sell the info to Putin. Elon Musk has put up many (secret Gov) satellites of unknown capabilities in recent times. We may be able to control. monitor or jam Russian weaponry. It just seems more likely than not.


Well-Known Member
I also have a suspicion that the US has some yet undisclosed defensive systems up her sleeve. Stuff they didn't even tell trump about so he couldn't sell the info to Putin. Elon Musk has put up many (secret Gov) satellites of unknown capabilities in recent times. We may be able to control. monitor or jam Russian weaponry. It just seems more likely than not.
Starlink has or will soon have a 24ms latency and a phased array electronically steerable transceiver antenna and works off orbiting satellites like a cellphone network. That means you could fly and maneuver a drone like a fighter plane at tree top level over Moscow and fly down streets and over freeways using the heat from the cars you are passing over as missile decoys! You can do it all with FPV and 4K video vision at treetop level while sitting in DC or Kyiv and it would be very hard to jam. This capability is being deployed now and offers as much range as the aircraft has and the ability to penetrate deeply with a stealth drone flying at near ground level down country roads in the middle of the night 10 feet off the ground.


Well-Known Member
I also have a suspicion that the US has some yet undisclosed defensive systems up her sleeve. Stuff they didn't even tell trump about so he couldn't sell the info to Putin. Elon Musk has put up many (secret Gov) satellites of unknown capabilities in recent times. We may be able to control. monitor or jam Russian weaponry. It just seems more likely than not.
I was thinking a good use for those T72 death traps the Ukrainians are using might be as future robotanks. They have autoloaders and don't need to be manned, the gunner, commander and driver can be all replaced by conversion kits and the fucking thing can be remote controlled from an APC up to a few miles away from the rear. Let robotank take the risks and the hits from mines! Let them over run the enemy trenches and lead the charge, a good use for junk near on its last legs or something not fit to put men in. Make standard kits for them so they can be quickly converted, their task is simple, to take the hits and shield the men in better tanks behind them. Like I said they have autoloaders and can go in shooting until the turret pops off!


Well-Known Member
I also have a suspicion that the US has some yet undisclosed defensive systems up her sleeve. Stuff they didn't even tell trump about so he couldn't sell the info to Putin. Elon Musk has put up many (secret Gov) satellites of unknown capabilities in recent times. We may be able to control. monitor or jam Russian weaponry. It just seems more likely than not.
I know russia can jam our signals.