one cop vs 25 stoners


Well-Known Member
hold up i remember those things from like kindergarten. i knew school it was made for a good reason! Hot boxing a tent with like 3 Ls, then pound a hottie! THE BEST> i recommend! haha


Well-Known Member
lolol. awesome got love the scatter trick. gets those slow moving piggies everytime. where i live the cops don't even care if we smoke on campus on 4/20. they just watch... and wish that contact highs existed



Well-Known Member
I love the dudes laugh in the backround, not the guy holding the camera (he's funny too though) reminds me of my friends lol


Well-Known Member
lol good stuff... bet he was freakin out
She, and not really. If you're gonna hotbox a parachute in the middle of campus, you know the cops are coming. A lot of dumbasses left their phones on the grass though, and got busted when they went to claim them.