@Tolerance Break I have to agree with your reference to corporate greed, but we also have a lot of less than honest so-called breeders out there who are at least as guilty... It seems that an even larger portion of our society has ascribed to the notion of doing whatever you want in an effort to make a buck - and that's not a good thing... We see this in every vertical market on the planet...
In all honesty, we wouldn't be where we're at with all of this in our hobby today if cannabis hadn't been wrongfully added to the Schedule 1 drug list... Even today, research is somewhat hamstringed by that US classification... Most of the new discoveries have been due to clandestine illicit growers and labs doing research without any real academic review... Then, when states decide to legalize cannabis, they become too fixated on how the state will profit as part of the overall process - and that is also not a good thing... The quest for profit all too often devolves what was originally a good free-thinking idea into nothing more than a profit and greed driven mess...
I don't grow for profit, I grow for self-enjoyment...
In all honesty, we wouldn't be where we're at with all of this in our hobby today if cannabis hadn't been wrongfully added to the Schedule 1 drug list... Even today, research is somewhat hamstringed by that US classification... Most of the new discoveries have been due to clandestine illicit growers and labs doing research without any real academic review... Then, when states decide to legalize cannabis, they become too fixated on how the state will profit as part of the overall process - and that is also not a good thing... The quest for profit all too often devolves what was originally a good free-thinking idea into nothing more than a profit and greed driven mess...
I don't grow for profit, I grow for self-enjoyment...