New and Improved TnT Foodie thread


Well-Known Member
Hey kids! Just a PSA to remind you not to forget your chili handling hand! View attachment 5213988
Been there recently. I chopped a bunch of Thai chilis to make Prik Nam Pla the other day and and got distracted when the phone rang. I did a quick rinse under plain water before drying my hands with a clean towel. I was gossiping with a buddy like a teenage girl and rubbed my eyes forgetting about chopping the chili's. It only took a few seconds before I realized the mistake I made. It sucked.


Well-Known Member
Been there recently. I chopped a bunch of Thai chilis to make Prik Nam Pla the other day and and got distracted when the phone rang. I did a quick rinse under plain water before drying my hands with a clean towel. I was gossiping with a buddy like a teenage girl and rubbed my eyes forgetting about chopping the chili's. It only took a few seconds before I realized the mistake I made. It sucked.
That's Icy Hot in the jockstrap kinda pain. Worst part is once it's done, it's done. You just know your screwed and not much you can do about it.


Well-Known Member
Do you ever look at a piece of wood and think “hey that would make a nice spoon“? Me neither. Till today, was taking apart an old veg closet, t8 lights hanging on it baked that wood for years.


Cut, sanded, oiled, burnished, burned, sanded, oiled, rubbed, burnished:


When I hold it I get this urge to stick it into a large clay bowl and scoop up some chunky stew. Some day on a boring afternoon I’ll create a fork…


Global Moderator
Staff member
I have a trap setup on my back deck to catch a possum that's been coming nightly to clean up the bird seed spillage. Anyone have any good recipes for possum stuffed with expensive bird seed? I'll post pics with the cleaning and gutting later..... just kidding.
I used to hate possums, but after learning that it is almost impossible for them to catch rabies and they eat ticks like nobody's business I give em a pass.

Armadillos and ground hogs are another thing entirely - they die on sight.


Well-Known Member
I fking love possums they look so cute. And the ones I;ve seen on the tube were not even aggressive... You'd probably need t put your hands in its mouth before they bite.
My Rhodesian Ridgeback lost an eye to one here one night. She was off lead because we live out in the boonies and the possum attacked her from a bush she walked by. It was a nasty fight and she ended up with one eye from it. I treat them like the racoons, as long as they stay in the woods they're cute and fine. On the porch is a different story. It's in the trap right now and I'll give it a second chance in the morning by taking it up the mountain a bit and letting it go. The wife doesn't want me to shoot it because it's cute. If it comes back though...


Well-Known Member
My Rhodesian Ridgeback lost an eye to one here one night. She was off lead because we live out in the boonies and the possum attacked her from a bush she walked by. It was a nasty fight and she ended up with one eye from it. I treat them like the racoons, as long as they stay in the woods they're cute and fine. On the porch is a different story. It's in the trap right now and I'll give it a second chance in the morning by taking it up the mountain a bit and letting it go. The wife doesn't want me to shoot it because it's cute. If it comes back though...
I reckon a dog is a pretty scary creature to a possum


Well-Known Member
A deconstructed chicken cordon bleu....browned the boneless/skinless thighs in a cast iron frying pan, some mozzarella cheese and topped with a slice of Canadian back-bacon, then into a 400F oven.

I was second guessing myself if I should have put the cheese on top of the back-bacon, maybe I'll try that next time.

Made gravy for the potatoe wedges and some veggies...turned out quite tasty.



Well-Known Member
I fking love possums they look so cute. And the ones I;ve seen on the tube were not even aggressive... You'd probably need t put your hands in its mouth before they bite.
Nope. Those things can be vicious. We had one in our house once. I was like 5-6 playing with my cat with a ball and all of a sudden the cat backed off and looked all freaked out. I went over and saw this little fucker hissing and growling at me. It took 2 Animal Control guys to get him out and into their truck. One on each side.


Well-Known Member
I released my guy this afternoon after giving him plenty of verbal cues he's not welcome. I had to encourage him to leave the trap as he felt safe in there I think.
He took off down into the woods towards the creek so he'll be fine.
Here's his home turf, pretty good environment with lots of possum treats like crayfish and bugs.
Sorry for the hijack, I just couldn't find a good enough recipe to post pics of him in a dinner dish. Back to the yummy food!