How much longer? ;-)


Well-Known Member
Been waiting a long time to post this newb question. Finally got a plant limping through flower for the first time ever.

NL1, 46 days since i flipped to 12/12. All the leaves below the bud sights are dead or dying so I probably have a limited time left.

Waddya think?
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You probably don't want to hear this, but you have a ways to go. I know you're worried about the fan leaves dying but let it ripen properly and see how it plays out. If the sugar leaves start dying off and drying up then I'd say chop it because once that gets inside the bud, nothing good is going to happen. As long as the buds look healthy and are still kicking, let them go another two weeks and then let's look at them again. You've gotten them this far. You can do two weeks standing on your head lol. I can't wait to see your first harvest!


Well-Known Member
Nirvana NL by chance? I've grown NL two times now and IMO (it's an opinion dont slam me) your looking at 65-70 days (or more) AFTER 12/12 flip.

I'm growing it again and will try to see if I can go past 70 days. For some odd reason the Nirvana NL never seems to finish (amber) but it's really good smoke once the tricomes get cloudy. I also struggle with yellowing leaves late flower and the main reason I harvest early is due to the fact that the dying sugar leaves make there way into my buds.

Last thing: My first grow I was so obsessed that I read around 50 grow journals of Northern Lights harvested, tallied the flower time, and got an average of 58 days for flower. ( this is the average time people harvest NL, around 60 days.). Just FYI.

NL below at week 9 flower


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Well-Known Member
Looks good, and I don't see any real issue with the leaves, bit of brown tips which may be overwatering or deficiency of some sort, but not gonna ruin your harvest. You do have a while to go, still fresh white pistils growing. Give it 3 weeks to a month