My First Grow - White Label White Widow


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by guys, I appreciate it.

Other plants are doing good. I still think I have a bit of a ph problem but very minor. Working it out though. Definitely slower correcting soil pH then when I would imagine it would be in hydro or aero.

Lots of preflowers on the remaining thai haze x skunk... a few on the biggest ww and I believe a few small ones showing up on the other two - but it will take a couple days to confirm. Hopefully they dont turn hermie on me!!!


Well-Known Member
Day 13 of flower. Can start seeing the flowers forming. Its pretty exciting stuff! :hump:

Remaining Thai Haze x Skunk is doing awesome. Soil to top its 40 inches tall now.hopefull this thing stops vertical growth soon. I only have room for about a 5 foot plant. So this thing can grow more then another 20 inches or i'm screwed! lol

WW are doing well. Not growing as fast as the thai haze though.

All 4 clones survived. Pretty stoked for my first time at cloning. Have 3 Thai Haze x skunk, 1 WW. All have been moved from rockwool only to being in pots with FF Happy Frog soil.

3 germ'd seeds all sprouted and the ww took a turn for the worst so I just killed it today. 2 G13 Haze are doing well.

All of these plants are still on 24/0. Once I get these sprouts in pots too, I'll be moving to 18/6.Except obviously the plants currently flowering.


Well-Known Member
mannn...this is lookin goood, ive followed this thread since day one and i didnt think you would make it after those little sprout probs. i feel inspired from this grow


Well-Known Member
lol... wow... thanks dood. And thank for stoppin back!

It was a really rough start, but I'm pretty damn happy with the results so far. Lookin at this Thai Haze plant I can't imagine the yield i'm going to get out of that thing baring any crazy screw ups! Flowers are forming everywhere on that thing!!! Next time around I'm going to have 2 or 3 thai haze x skunk.. 1 or 2 G13 Haze, and 1 white widow. 5 Plants total. Might upgrade to a 600w light... we'll see though.


Well-Known Member
thats sick man. im getting all my mistakes out of the way on my first plant, and im not really expecting much, especially since ill be studying abroad come january 29th, and theyve barely started flowering. butt your grow is quite impressive, i just looked through all 11 pages and your problem solving skills are sweet. good luck on getting a sick harvest man!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliments dood, I've worked hard on not making the same mistakes twice. The only mistake I've made twice is going a few hours to long between waterings. Which I suppose isn't the worst one to do.

I thought it was funny that I was blaming myself for the germ issues with the ww. But again the ww didn't germ right and the G13 germ'd perfect. Good to know where that problem is.

I'll probably wait another couple days so the pics are more impressive, but the flowers are coming along great. Watering before last I gave them a heavy shot of bloom nutes. I'm using advanced nutes, 1:1:1 (Mircro, grow, bloom) and I added some big bud in there too.

Last watering was pure water. Next water will be water/mollases. Then a pure water... then one last advanced nutes shot... and after that depending on timing I'm going to cut out everything but water and mollases.

I'm thinking about flushing with a juice for shits and grins at the end, pH'd of course. But I really dont want to use a juice thats going to by high in any tannin that might get sucked in the buds and then taste like shit when burned. I might just do it to one plant as an experiment. Dunno... we'll see.


Well-Known Member
I said I'd update the pictures... so here they are. The Thai Haze x Skunk harvest is going to be rediculous. There are buds EVERYWHERE on that plant. I can't wait until the next harvest when have 2 or 3 of these things!!!

WW are coming along nice too... just not nearly as excited about them for some reason! :)



Well-Known Member

. . . . looking mighty divine

Carry on with what you're doing. Should reep some nice rewards.

good growing to ya





Well-Known Member
I seem to have overnuted the thai haze x skunk. Posted in the newbie section awaiting confirmation. In the mean time I already started to flush and am going to the store shortly to get some more RO water so I can finish flushing.

Hopefuly I can save her and it isn't to late.

Plant is also just a hair droopy. Dont know if its the wait of the buds that damn near doubled in size over night... or what.


Well-Known Member
Well - the Thai Haze x Skunk has recovered well. The flowers are even bigger then when I last looked at them on friday. (Left town for a few days)

Two of the ww are already starting to frost up. Can't wait till they are done! The third white widow is going to be harvest last. The buds aren't frosting yet and are just visibly behind in development vs the other two.

Here's the porn....



Well-Known Member
Thai haze is doing great as always, really blowing up now. First white widow should be ready to harvest around the 15th to 17th. Some of the flowers are already turning orangeish, need to pick myself up a scope soon so I can watch those trichs soon.

The light is off for the day and I dont feel like digging the plants out to take pics so I'll do it tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Here are the updated pics. Turned the flash on because you can get a better idea of how frosted they are getting.

Thai Haze and the best WW that will be harvested first were both thirsty over the last 24 hours so they were a little droopy when I got home from work. No worries, almost back to new already.



Well-Known Member
lookin very nice, read it start to finish theyre fucking look beautiful sir! im on day 4 of flowering 2 violator kush plants that look female, best of luck with your harvest


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's the best and what will be the first to harvest WW. I can't wait to see what it looks like in a couple weeks!

Thanks for stopping by guys.