My First Grow - White Label White Widow


Well-Known Member
Forgot to post the pics yesterday so here are some fresh ones from a few minutes ago!

Pretty proud pf these things. Can't wait for the WW to catch up so I can can take a few cuttings and then flower 'em Still haven't seen preflowers so I'll have to keep track of what cuttings come from which plant so if they turn out male I can shit can them right away.



Well-Known Member
Oiy... having pH issues on the two Thai Haze x Skunk I do believe. Please see this thread for photos and if you can help at all I'd appreciate it a lot. I couldn't really wait any longer so when someone slightly confirmed I have a pH problem locking out the nutes, I ran to the store tonight... got some lime and added it to the soil. See the thread for details!

Thanks for anyones help!


Well-Known Member
Well, the Thai Haze x SKunk are getting better. One plant (last of the pics) is definitely recovering faster and better then the other. But the other is coming along. The last one in the pics had a lot of growth over the last 12 hours. The other has had some, but not as much.

WW are coming along though the smallest of the three may get taken out if it doesn't start growing a little faster soon. 1 of the white widow looks exactly like every other one I've seen pics of but the other is slightly different. Must be those phenotypes I've been reading about? Dont know. Interesting stuff though.

I'm pretty pleased with the grow so far. Encountered problems... learned from them - moved on and haven't made the same mistake twice. I guess that's all a guy can ask for on his first.

Without fail I will be starting to flower these on or within a couple days of November 1.



Well-Known Member
Thai Haze X Skunk are getting better. One is definitely recovering much faster. Getting a little more yellowing of the leaves which I am guessing is just still the nitrogen lock out from my pH issues earlier. Been watering with distilled water pH'd to 6.5 with only superthrive added. Next watering I will be doing another round of nutes. Tonight during lights out (running 20/4 right now) I'm going to mist with a superthrive and Advanced Nutrients Nirvana combo. 300 ppm.

White widow are coming along. I think I'm going to be axing the one small one in the next week if it doesn't take off at all. I just dont want a super uneven grow, its already bad enough! lol


Well-Known Member
I suppose I could take some more pics today. Dont know if I'm going to make it to the end of the month on vegging. These things are growing pretty damn fast save the one tiny one. There is a big difference in the plants between the last pics (friday) and today. (sunday)

Might have to wait till after some football though!


Well-Known Member
So I was a little excited to post pics.... here they are. Still haven't had the cash to get the MH/HPS setup but that will be coming very soon. I think I'm going to go with the 400 w just because of worrying about cooling issues. Its only a 3x3 foot space anyway.

pH problem is slowly getting better. I dont think I have a lock out problem anymore because the plant is growing very well and the yellowing is getting better. Tomorrow when I will be feeding nutes and testing the run off. Hopefully it really is better and the nutes will finish off the nitrogen issue.



Well-Known Member
I suppose its been a while since I updated this, huh?

Transplanted the two Thai Haze x Skunk today. Really curious about this FF Happy Frog soil because I was getting a pH runn off out of the smaller pots of 6.4 to 6.5 once I had adjusted from my pH problem with lime. When I transplanted to the new pots and obviously fresh soil I checked the run off. In went 6.5 water and out came 5.4 water. Wow! So I quickly mixed in some lime to the soil. Hopefully that will get a chance to work before I have any more pH problems. I dont know if I got a bad bag or something, but atleast now I know the pH problems weren't self inflicted.

The strong plant is taking the transplant well (just did this last night) but the other is kind of lagging behind. Little droopy, nothing bad though. Hopefully it gets better soon. I just gave it a quick spray of a light dose of superthrive and AN Nirvana. I have a bit of a N diffecency going on but I just fed on Friday night so hopefully that will come around in the next couple days. Might take longer since I just transplanted.

Still haven't scrapped the cash for the better light. Since I'm so far in the process I think I'm going to order one of the cheaper 400 w lights from HTG Supply. I really want to go 600 w but i'm not sure the space and ac unit can handle it. SO I'm going to start out with this light and if it can take more I'll upgrade to the digital 600 w... and if not I'll upgrade to the digital 400 w so I can use MH for vegging next time.

The three WW are coming along nicely. Though one of them is growing kind of weird now. Its the one that had the fatter leaves in earlier pics. One of the nodes got confused and its almost like it topped itself because half the node is normal and half the node looks like its going to split off into 2 branches... so 3 branches on one node. Be interesting to see how this grows out. The smallest one is now taking off a bit too. FINALLY thought I was gonna be axing it soon. Probably going to go to flower Next weekend depending on health of the Thai Haze from transplant. I also need to get to the store to get some more soil so I can get the WW to their final homes as well.

Pics to follow....


Well-Known Member
BTW.. the little one looks odd because I just dumped it over this morning. DOH! :wall:



Well-Known Member
Are the two Thai Haze x Skunk getting to be about 12'' tall?

The plants look good, lots of growth from those good seeds you got :hump:

WW sure look good with those fat leaves :clap:

Should get good returns for you efforts, gonna share the wealth with Forest Gimp ;-)



Well-Known Member
The Thai Haze x Skunk are both 17" tall. (give or take a 1/4 inch)

The tallest WW is 8" tall.

Thanks for the compliments and no... forest aint gettin shit! lol


Well-Known Member
Im excited as hell. 99% sure i spotted female preflowers on the thai haze this morning. will be pulling them out to take pics tonight!


Well-Known Member
I think I have a lucky horseshoe up my ass. Horrible start to this grow.... made corrections and pushed on. These Thai Haze X Skunk are non-fem seed and I'm pretty sure out of two seeds I have two females. The preflowers one one are to small to get pics of. This one I could barely get to show up as it is!

Its a bitch!!!! (I think lol)

Please confirm, this is my first grow!!!



Well-Known Member
Hey man, really nice stuff lookin nice n healthy, I grew white label whiteidow, I harvested it about 2 weeks ago, amazing stuff, fruity, pungent, lemony, skunky, citrusy tangy, and hits hard, lasts long, tastes great, enjoy



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys... its been a long road.

12 hour I'm waiting on my HPS setup. Ordered tonight, should be here monday or tuesday. I might wait for the weekend though because I am having a party saturday and its the last one I want to have before I start to flower. Being my first grow I'm not sure how the smell is going to be or if I have my setup perfect. Next order in a week is a carbon scrubber and some ona gel. Figure why chance it with one... when you can have two and be extra sure. lol

I really want to flower now... because the thai haze is getting huge. I can tell i'm going to have to LST it to keep it under the light towards the end. Dang sativa genetics!! lol

I think I have preflowers starting on my WW, but I can't tell. I'm hoping they aren't preflowers because they dont look like the preflowers on the thai haze... which makes me think if they are... their male preflowers!


Well-Known Member
Note - my room is well hidden and beyond that - locked. And when I say party.. I mean a few people. Not some crazy college party... lol All of us are 27-33ish.