Hey guys so I recently got a pet mouse, and tha thing shits like crazy, so I started wondering if anybody's put mouse poop in the soil for fertilizer?
Yancey.... DO NOT USE THE MOUSE SHIT..... Mice are the vectors (fancy word for carriers) of numerous - VERY BAD - diseases.
Above is a link - READ IT - especially Plague Migration (I'll give you a hint - the carriers of this - worst of all diseases - what not a bunny, a bat, a worm or a cow).
Cow, Bats, Worms & Bunnies do not carry diseases which are easily transfered to human.
Before someone shouts - Mad Cow Disease - remember it was a man made disease - caused by greedy cattlemen, who feed dead / weak / diseased cows (ground up) to other cows in their feed.
Keep it Real..... Organic .... but within reason.......