Low Key 2022 Garden

Oh I can! Imma cut down the last 3 Tuesday and then finish trimming the purple punch and Missouri cookies so they can get into curing/storage and then bust my ass with the last 3 gonna be one hell of a week lol
I have to start taking down my indoor in the next week or so and I'm dreading it even though it's just 3 plants. The bleached tops on the OG Kush are going to be a pain to trim properly. It's going to be nice to have some new strains in the cabinet though. Hope the weather plays nice for you this week.
Guess I won't be whining to you about the 4 little plants I have to trim now lol. Damn, that looks crazy. Nice job bringing the trees indoors, bet it smells amazing in your place.
It’s got a nice skunky smell goin I can’t complain! It’s gonna suck some major ass when they all get dry enough to start trimming