What problem is this?


Active Member
My plant is currently in the first week of flower and I obviously added nutrients needed for flower(kool bloom and floralicious plus). So far i have only fed it once and these are my plants at the moment. What problem is this and how can i fix it?



Well-Known Member
Trim it? Not yet, after you dry. I'd LST and I don't do heavy defoil but I pull fan leaves blocking bud sites and for air flow. I also take about bottom third off and prune all low larf sites.


Well-Known Member
Should i just keep feeding it the base nutrients and stop the Kool Bloom and Floralicious Plus
Follow the feed chart. Depending on the plant. I feed from 50-125% of recommended rates. Kool Bloom is for packing on weight on established buds. Early mid to early late flowering.


Active Member
Follow the feed chart. Depending on the plant. I feed from 50-125% of recommended rates. Kool Bloom is for packing on weight on established buds. Early mid to early late flowering.
I see ill stop using it until the buds are starting to form

Grow Monster

Well-Known Member
what do you suggest?
My opinion on this isn't the most popular. Most will probably tell u to flush and back down on nutes and thats cool. I'd say give it a peroxide drench on your next watering. Then wait til the plant is hungry before u feed it again and go light on nutes til it show signs its ready for u to up the feeding. I'm against flushing. It stresses the plant(overwatering). Then u gotta wait for her to perk back up. But u will get others views when they weigh in. Best of luck bro.


Well-Known Member
My opinion on this isn't the most popular. Most will probably tell u to flush and back down on nutes and thats cool. I'd say give it a peroxide drench on your next watering. Then wait til the plant is hungry before u feed it again and go light on nutes til it show signs its ready for u to up the feeding. I'm against flushing. It stresses the plant(overwatering). Then u gotta wait for her to perk back up. But u will get others views when they weigh in. Best of luck bro.
Yeah no need to flush soil unless you got major issues going on like lockout. This plant is showing signs of N toxicity so back off the base nutrients a bit and stop the Kool bloom for now. It will take a little bit but it should straighten out


Active Member
Yeah no need to flush soil unless you got major issues going on like lockout. This plant is showing signs of N toxicity so back off the base nutrients a bit and stop the Kool bloom for now. It will take a little bit but it should straighten out
So just give it regular ph’d water?


Well-Known Member
So I transplanted it to a 7 gallon pot how many gallons should i feed it to safely not overfeed
Very hard to put a certain amount on it but I would think close to a gallon would be pretty close to start with but feel how heavy it is after you transplanted it and don’t water again till it’s about as light as it is right after you transplanted. Then feel how heavy it feels after watering and just go by the weight of the pot. Can’t really go by a precise amount just don’t water again till it feels light that should prevent over watering