Well-Known Member
It’s amazing once you spot them, suddenly your eyes re-focus and you see them everywhere.
Back in the 80's when a bunch of us would go out and pick we'd sometimes almost get into fights when someone came over to your area and started picking your patch. It's like someone crowding into your fishing spot.
I have fond memories of a big pot on the stove full of mushroom tea. We had mushroom parties with 20-30 people. I remember picking pounds and pounds of them back in the day. I think at one time I had 10-15 pounds of them dried all from picking. They're still out there but I'm not risking a felony to pick them. It used to be the only thing you could get was a trespassing ticket for being on someone's property.
Years back after they were criminalized I had a friend that was picking in Tillamook Oregon and got detained and charged by the local police. He was at first charged with a felony and then they offered him a plea bargain with no jail time, no felony just a trespassing ticket and a hefty fine. He paid the fine of course. The local authorities would rather have your money than prosecute you. That's assuming you have money. He was from Portland and driving a new rig so I'm sure he fit the profile of someone to extort.