
With improved air defenses that number should improve, I also heard the Russians have a high failure rate among their missiles and their numbers should be dwindling. I think the only real answer to this shit is retaliation in kind, Russian power infrastructure would be an acceptable retaliatory target. It can be hit with low-cost mass-produced suicide drones and would be a form a mutually assured destruction that would work. The Russians would have a lot of trouble responding to such wide-ranging attacks against just Russian power substations and transformers and can't readily replace damaged equipment on a large scale. Make it clear, you stop this bullshit and we will stop turning your lights off, tit for tat, they have a choice.

I fear a third party who could give’m all the bird.

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A fight with Turkey over grain for the starving Muslim world would not end well for Vlad. Those videos of Russians abusing Muslims and using them as cannon fodder has been seen and is a lot hotter on their social media than ours and pissed off the Muslim world and must make the Iranian government cringe. Beating up a conscript for praying and abusing the Prophet are not taken lightly.
With improved air defenses that number should improve, I also heard the Russians have a high failure rate among their missiles and their numbers should be dwindling. I think the only real answer to this shit is retaliation in kind, Russian power infrastructure would be an acceptable retaliatory target. It can be hit with low-cost mass-produced suicide drones and would be a form a mutually assured destruction that would work. The Russians would have a lot of trouble responding to such wide-ranging attacks against just Russian power substations and transformers and can't readily replace damaged equipment on a large scale. Make it clear, you stop this bullshit and we will stop turning your lights off, tit for tat, they have a choice.

I dunno. They’re doing pretty well taking the figurative belt sander to the faces of the Russians in theater. What you propose is militarily sound, but with this being unacknowledged as a war by the aggressor, not giving him an excuse to use the one undeniably effective weapon in his possession ranks in the top tier of strategy imo.

We in the West make sure that Ukraine is always kept supplied with fresh low-grit sanding belts.
An example of hate propaganda.
Many Israeli citizens are from the former Soviet Union, Russia and Ukraine, so there are supporters on both sides, but more on the Ukrainian side. You'll see one side with a Russian flag and the other larger side with a Ukrainian one. Celebrating killing "white people", they look pretty white in the video to me. Twitter will get worse with hate speech and it's full of Russian bots and other trolls with an axe to grind or a paycheck to earn. This could be an American fascist, a Russian or an Arab, but the post was both racist and antisemitic and is posted here as an example of bullshit.

I dunno. They’re doing pretty well taking the figurative belt sander to the faces of the Russians in theater. What you propose is militarily sound, but with this being unacknowledged as a war by the aggressor, not giving him an excuse to use the one undeniably effective weapon in his possession ranks in the top tier of strategy imo.

We in the West make sure that Ukraine is always kept supplied with fresh low-grit sanding belts.
It is an option to consider and a capability they should develop, MAD worked for nukes, it might work for power grids too. They must use their own shit to do it, not Uncle Sam's and should start slow in a region, while sending a message that the darkness will spread, if they keep it up. They need it pointed out that they are much more vulnerable to this kind of infrastructure attack than Ukraine will be soon and don't have the same repair capacity or support that they do.

Right now, defeat them on the battlefield and make do but prepare to implement the plan and then make your major repairs after the message has been sent along with a few dozen drones.
and our fucking pussy republicans bitch about the money...because they want it to go to the rich fuckers who own them, body and black little soul..
The way I have it figured is the Russians will end up footing the entire bill with money they have seized abroad, between the government cash and the oligarch's stolen money and assets abroad there should be plenty. They and their grandaddy's already paid for most of their own destruction with weapons they built and paid for.

The Republicans neither want America to help or for Russia to lose their money. Just give the Ukrainian's $100 billion off the top as an Intermin payment and ya don't need to worry about them getting American aid, they will buy that 1980's shit that works so well against the Russians that they can defeat them with one hand tied behind their backs. It would also be a major stimulus to the EU, since they would be buying lots of shit from them, not just arms either.

Make them pay and $100 billion would be a good down payment. They could build a lot of $20,000 dollar drones for 50 or 100 million bucks and put this power grid bullshit to an end pretty quick with a grid MAD strategy, it works for nukes, too well for Vlad's liking. Tell them we will both freeze in the dark until you stop.
They are using missiles on the power infrastructure because low speed drones would be easy to defend power substation from them with a point defense gun system and by simply caging them in commercial fishing nets stung on power poles. This would catch the drones several meters from the transformers, reducing the potential for damage. Also breaming and sandbagging around them up to 3 meters high might be helpful to harden them too. Drones would be used on large harder to defend population centers.

They must be using these missiles on power generation plants which are higher value. The only answer might be to shut the lights out in Moscow by attacking substation power transformers with drones all over the Moscow region, same with other cities. If we have to freeze in the fucking dark so, do you, a form of MAD, only with power grids! 80 % of Russians live in European Russia and most of them would be in range of mass-produced cheap GPS guide drones, or at least their power infrastructure would be. Russia could neither defend adequately to such an attack, they couldn't replace the destroyed and damaged electrical equipment like Ukraine can with the combined resources of the EU and UK to support them. The idea being that deterrence works, Ukraine can shut your lights off too and you won't be able to turn them back on without help.

i've been thinking the same thing, turn about is fair play, bomb the fucking shit out of their power grid, let them try to run bot farms in the dark.
Vlad halted conscription, but nobody believes anything he says, here or there! I wouldn't doubt they did, because how it was being done would have eventually caused a revolution or coup, maybe both, with him dead in the process. He will retrench try to get better organized and start conscription again. He is between a rock and a hard place and is being defeated in Ukraine while his army is being ground to dust in Ukraine with hundreds of dead a day now and a terrific ratio of causalities in favor of the Ukrainians.

As the General said, "we are finished with the Russian professional army now we'll finish the amateur one". They aren't even amateurs though; they are untrained and unequipped cannon fodder with leadership that only wants to murder them to try and save its own ass. Buy your own uniforms from those who stole them and be given junk to fight with because the good AKs in the warehouses have been sold off to other countries and war Lords. Morale can't get much lower than it is in the Russian army right now, they are fucked from top to bottom and know it. They are being blamed for the failures by the same criminals who caused them with criminal kleptocratic leadership and incompetence.
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