
next flash point Moldova , trying to do J6 on the elected government there...fucking Pooty
They won't have much luck, even the Russians there know Russia is fucked and so are they, there are a lot of NATO intelligence agencies working there and it would be a very hostile environment for the pro Putin Russians. They have been getting a lot of EU military and other assistance lately and their army is a lot stronger now and getting stronger. They also see the struggle in Ukraine and are apparently meeting the threat head on at home. Those Russia troops in Transnistria are isolated and lonely and when Ukraine is done with Russia, they will provide a service for Moldova of repatriating them back to Russia. Russia is about to become a serious basket case and economic shithole, perhaps not many will be eager to return to abject poverty in another past century.

Slowly but surely the west is strangling off the supply of high-tech shit to Iran and Russia. It was a serious mistake for Iran to supply drones and even missiles, as every drone downed or that crashes will provide intelligence on their clandestine supply networks that are being systematically shut down as a package deal now.
They won't have much luck, even the Russians there know Russia is fucked and so are they, there are a lot of NATO intelligence agencies working there and it would be a very hostile environment for the pro Putin Russians. They have been getting a lot of EU military and other assistance lately and their army is a lot stronger now and getting stronger. They also see the struggle in Ukraine and are apparently meeting the threat head on at home. Those Russia troops in Transnistria are isolated and lonely and when Ukraine is done with Russia, they will provide a service for Moldova of repatriating them back to Russia. Russia is about to become a serious basket case and economic shithole, perhaps not many will be eager to return to abject poverty in another past century.

Slowly but surely the west is strangling off the supply of high-tech shit to Iran and Russia. It was a serious mistake for Iran to supply drones and even missiles, as every drone downed or that crashes will provide intelligence on their clandestine supply networks that are being systematically shut down as a package deal now.

it was a very serious mistake for iran to get involved in this, they should have stayed out, alon side syria too with the grain shipments to there port there
i just give an honest reaction...you be you, and i'll be me...
you ever read any spider robinson? callahan's crosstime saloon? they have big pun contests...and get the same reaction
Spider lived up this way in NS, I used to read a lot of SciFi as a kid, including that old fascist Heinlein, liked actual science fiction stuff, Arthur C Clarke. Space opera is entertaining, but it ain't Sci Fi.
Maybe that's why they aren't taking the Russian money, yet. A hundred billion down payment to Ukraine of Russian money in trust with the EU would end debates and fights about the "costs/investment". Let the Russians pay for their own slaughter and downfall, sounds like a deal to me. Also use a few billion of their money to buy grain on the open market for poor countries, as an incentive for them to keep supply high, since they will be paying directly for interruptions. Indeed, they should be compensating these countries for any increases in grain prices as a result of their war. Start sinking grain ships and all yer money held abroad is gone, oligarchs losing billions might be motivated to kill Vlad to salvage what they have left. Make it gradual, not all at once, so it will be like an incentive program for them, what goes first, Vlad or their remaining money stashed in the west... :lol:
i just give an honest reaction...you be you, and i'll be me...
you ever read any spider robinson? callahan's crosstime saloon? they have big pun contests...and get the same reaction

Loved those stories and will still have the books around here somewhere. Recently found a box of 1990 or so Asimov's Sci-fi and Analog monthly mags I used to subscribe to and should again. Re-reading that box.
