I know...F**K LED lights and everything about them..


Well-Known Member
Your running a "600w" UFO, and thats all your managing to grow, my 600 can veg a clone to 2 ft BUSH, with like 30 x 12" shoots ready to cut for clones in 3-4 weeks...

And your Still not growing any big buds under that UFO...Go back and read the thread, I never said you cant grow weed with LED, I said it would be good to veg, or grow loose fluffy buds. That still doesnt make the UFO worth the ridiculous price for it.

I never meant to offend you man, you are clearly invested in the UFO so you are going to defend it. But if you put your UFO beside an HPS grow you wont even be able to compare the results. Hell the plants under the UFO would start to stretch towards the HPS just to get some of those precious Lumens.

You quoted a link and said "how do you get that?" Be more clear next time if your referring to something completely fucking different.


Well-Known Member
Theres a good experiment, put a 600w HPS and a "600w" LED UFO over a plant, Let nature decide, watch the plant stretch towards the HPS and grow into a huge bush on the HPS side. I would be any amount of money that the HPS would clearly win. Infact I bet the HPS would completely drowned out the Useless UFO.

Even the veg growth under LED is weak, the plants grow really stringy with not very many nodes because theres not enough LUMENS.


Well-Known Member
Would LOVE to see a 600 vs 600..

I guess I was amazed that LEDs can grow anything at all. I still have to see more info though. We have seen tons of HID journals. I would love to look at like 10 LED grow journals... High power...Start to finish. Do doubt though, HID grows bigger, better, stronger plants than the evidence I have seen from LED grows, thus far. HID has been around for 120 years... So we'll see what science brings us next. If an LED ever came close to 60% of what my HPS can do, I would still be interested in one. Until then I will need to see more proof...

Peace out to BCTrippin. I can only imagine what strains you have available to you in BC... Not the shit seeds companies rename to move product off shelves either... I am sure you have access to some good stock. And a government that supports (for now) growers to a certain degree. I need to move to Canada.


Well-Known Member
Your running a "600w" UFO, and thats all your managing to grow, my 600 can veg a clone to 2 ft BUSH, with like 30 x 12" shoots ready to cut for clones in 3-4 weeks...

And your Still not growing any big buds under that UFO...Go back and read the thread, I never said you cant grow weed with LED, I said it would be good to veg, or grow loose fluffy buds. That still doesnt make the UFO worth the ridiculous price for it.

I never meant to offend you man, you are clearly invested in the UFO so you are going to defend it. But if you put your UFO beside an HPS grow you wont even be able to compare the results. Hell the plants under the UFO would start to stretch towards the HPS just to get some of those precious Lumens.

You quoted a link and said "how do you get that?" Be more clear next time if your referring to something completely fucking different.
1: if i wanted one plant under my LED i would have a 2 ft bush with just as many nodes and shit as u think urs would
2:its not 600w its 90w eq to 600w(supposibly)so if i had a 600w UFO it would rip any HPS out of the market and replace it in a few minutes
3: i havent hit 12/12 so no shit i dont have nebuds u jack ass
4:i dont give a shit if i spent the money on it..im backing it up because it works and ppl like u who have no experience with LED talk shit on them
5:look at the youtube vid of comparision...LED out vegs HPS guarantee but when it hits flower it gets destroyed...
6:if u werent retarted u wouldve understood that my ? how do u get that refers to ur response not the link that is my thread in my sig...no shit i kno how u got that link..im pretty sure i put it there for a reason..
7:refer to pic...im pretty sure this doesnt look stretchy or little node spots or anything u claim..and this was in a 2 by 2 area with 8 other plants...o ya but wait LED doesnt work for veg to grow bushy plants or anything...
8:please explain ur vast knowledge of LED and why they dont work and show all ur evidence and experience with LED or the UFO...teach me if u think u kno so much on the "uselessness" of the UFO...



Well-Known Member
Theres a good experiment, put a 600w HPS and a "600w" LED UFO over a plant, Let nature decide, watch the plant stretch towards the HPS and grow into a huge bush on the HPS side. I would be any amount of money that the HPS would clearly win. Infact I bet the HPS would completely drowned out the Useless UFO.

Even the veg growth under LED is weak, the plants grow really stringy with not very many nodes because theres not enough LUMENS.
how much u wana bet????im down..get a 90w hps and we got a comp...if u use a 600w umm its kinda obvious 600w will out do any 90w...and why do u wanna compete with a HPS when i came in here saying LED is better than CFL...if u read any post ive made in my thread ull c i always tell ppl and noobs go with HPS unless u want to try somethin new, more expensive, less heat, less energy, longer life span...than u can buy LED


Well-Known Member
no offense. . but that plants is wac. . leaves all curled and burnt up. . i wouldnt be bragging about that shit, and you say you had it in a 2X2 area with 8 other plants. . i want to see that. . where are the pics of the other plants??. . oh and your 90w ufo junk is not equal to a 600w hps lamp. . you're just repeating theyre own sales pitch they got you with. . dude, and i dont know why your asking bctrippin for evidense or proof about the LED or hps. . the facts speak for themselves if you havent been under a rock forever. . all the bomb shit you smoke damn sure wasnt grown with an LED light. . all the cannabis cup winners sure as hell werent grown with LED's. . i think you need to prove you're own case and let us know how well you did with your LED, final product. dont you think its kind of strange that there arent any real post about successful LED grows? everybody must be bashing them for a reason. . all you have to do is ask, and i will find you plenty of scientific articles related to light spectrum for MJ plants, and how metal halide, and Hps will provide them most effeciently, and cost effective. . do some research. . LED (light emitting diode), mostly used for electronic devices, indicator lights also christmas lights!! im not trying to talk shit, you just arent making a good enough argument for anyone to want to use LED instead of HID lights..


Well-Known Member
no offense. . but that plants is wac. . leaves all curled and burnt up. . i wouldnt be bragging about that shit, and you say you had it in a 2X2 area with 8 other plants. . i want to see that. . where are the pics of the other plants??. . oh and your 90w ufo junk is not equal to a 600w hps lamp. . you're just repeating theyre own sales pitch they got you with. . dude, and i dont know why your asking bctrippin for evidense or proof about the LED or hps. . the facts speak for themselves if you havent been under a rock forever. . all the bomb shit you smoke damn sure wasnt grown with an LED light. . all the cannabis cup winners sure as hell werent grown with LED's. . i think you need to prove you're own case and let us know how well you did with your LED, final product. dont you think its kind of strange that there arent any real post about successful LED grows? everybody must be bashing them for a reason. . all you have to do is ask, and i will find you plenty of scientific articles related to light spectrum for MJ plants, and how metal halide, and Hps will provide them most effeciently, and cost effective. . do some research. . LED (light emitting diode), mostly used for electronic devices, indicator lights also christmas lights!! im not trying to talk shit, you just arent making a good enough argument for anyone to want to use LED instead of HID lights..
wow read one post above and it answers about half ur fucking post..i dont suggest my UFO equals a 600w, i dont suggest ppl to grow with LED over HPS,CFL yes i do, that plant has spider mites along with my enitre closet if u look at the GDP closet, ull c the 8 plants in one(smartass), nobody is spending the money in experimenting with LED so no shit no bodys gona use it, lets see all ur articles...if u knew so much u would understand LED works amazing for every plant other than marijuana and i can guarantee ur dumbass doesnt know why that is...and HPS and MH def do not match the plants growth spectrums as well as LED..thats the point of them basically


Well-Known Member
Littlegrower....this thread is NOT comparing LED to CFL.....Noone cares if you think your UFO grows better than CFLs.

Iv seen CFL grows with big buds.....I dont see any under your UFO....?

Your UFO claims to be equal to "600w" of HID lighting....it is NOT, you even admit that saying you want to compare to 90w HPS.

Man I bet a 90w HPS will grow a bigger, thicker plant that that UFO any day...

Your all talk, you even have the UFO, but you STILL dont have Anything to back it up.

We dont care if you think your UFO is better then CFLs, go make a CFL vs LED thread if you wanna prove your UFO is so great.

How much did you spend on that UFO...? I bet I could spend half of what you spent on the UFO, and build a CFL grow that could put out twice as much product.

You just about summed it up when you said LED is good for everything BUT marijuana. Go back to the first couple pages in this thread where I already said that.

The LED cant penetrate, so its only good for short, leafy greens. This is why you only see lettuce being grown in all the Big LED experiments. Anything else "like marijuana" you need to keep the lights close to maximize lumens, but you Cant because you need to keep the LED panels far enough to properly blend the spectrum.


Well-Known Member
Littlegrower....this thread is NOT comparing LED to CFL.....Noone cares if you think your UFO grows better than CFLs.

Iv seen CFL grows with big buds.....I dont see any under your UFO....?

Your UFO claims to be equal to "600w" of HID lighting....it is NOT, you even admit that saying you want to compare to 90w HPS.

Man I bet a 90w HPS will grow a bigger, thicker plant that that UFO any day...

Your all talk, you even have the UFO, but you STILL dont have Anything to back it up.

We dont care if you think your UFO is better then CFLs, go make a CFL vs LED thread if you wanna prove your UFO is so great.

How much did you spend on that UFO...? I bet I could spend half of what you spent on the UFO, and build a CFL grow that could put out twice as much product.

You just about summed it up when you said LED is good for everything BUT marijuana. Go back to the first couple pages in this thread where I already said that.

The LED cant penetrate, so its only good for short, leafy greens. This is why you only see lettuce being grown in all the Big LED experiments. Anything else "like marijuana" you need to keep the lights close to maximize lumens, but you Cant because you need to keep the LED panels far enough to properly blend the spectrum.
im pretty sure this thread is in the cfl growin section...also i havent hit 12/12 once again so no shit u wont see buds..i take ur bet get a 90w hps and were doin it...and wat am i all talk about???ive backed up wat ive said 100% and showed how my LED can create a bush contradicting what u said making u all talk...i kno LED isnt eq to HPS ive admitted many times if u do any research on my posts or threads..but u guys bag on the technology so much it pisses me off especially when none of u guys have done grows with LED...


Well-Known Member
Dude yes its in the CFL section, no its not comparing LED to CFL.

And No you have Not shown an LED penetrating a canopy, or even a single flowering plant. So why dont you go away, and come back when you got some pics of your UFO with some flowering plants, until then you really cant say shit now can you?

Dude, I see your pics, those plants are so stringy and weak, a fan would blow them over, ahahaha.

They arent going to get thick under the LED. theres not enough of a light / leaf ratio. what little leafs are there take up all the light.

Go flower under your UFO, then come back with your whole Eighth of dried buds and tell me the UFO is good.


Well-Known Member
you need to listent to the shit your preaching before calling people a dumbass.. and if you dont suggest, then dont fucken type your ufo piece of shit will replace a 600w hps.. and just about every cannabis grow book explains why HID lighting is the best at replicating sunlight (best source of light), you should read one sometime. .


and as far as explaining why LED's to not work for growing bomb dank! obviously it puts out some sort of lighting, which is enough to get by and produce growth, but noth enough to produce the photosynthesis it needs to fully devolope. the key here is are you growing a plant thats leafy, or are you growing a plant that produces fruits/flowers. . go to the LED's for growing section. .



Well-Known Member
ok, so since you know so much about marijuana lighting. . i want you to tell me why LED's are better for growing good weed.. looking at all those dying sorry llittle plants you have i wouldnt think so.


Well-Known Member
Dude yes its in the CFL section, no its not comparing LED to CFL.

And No you have Not shown an LED penetrating a canopy, or even a single flowering plant. So why dont you go away, and come back when you got some pics of your UFO with some flowering plants, until then you really cant say shit now can you?

Dude, I see your pics, those plants are so stringy and weak, a fan would blow them over, ahahaha.

They arent going to get thick under the LED. theres not enough of a light / leaf ratio. what little leafs are there take up all the light.

Go flower under your UFO, then come back with your whole Eighth of dried buds and tell me the UFO is good.
1. my first post was i love LED cfl sucks..hmm i wonder if IM comparing it to cfl
2. i never said LED is good at penetrating the leaves and ive already said it sucks for flower..how many times do i need to type that????
3.i have a plant right under my HPS and has exact same thickness of stems..if my LED stems arent thicker
4.once again LED sucks for FLOWER


Well-Known Member
ok, so since you know so much about marijuana lighting. . i want you to tell me why LED's are better for growing good weed.. looking at all those dying sorry llittle plants you have i wouldnt think so.
ill tell u why LED is better than CFL..way better watch of spectrum and more lumens per watt..i dont think they are better for growing weed than HPS except watt for watt they are..and if they look like there dying u def need some glasses cause i can guarantee my grow is nicer than alot of others on here...i havent seen pics of ur set up or shit all ive seen is u starting 3 sep threads on ur set up...sucks when no1 wants to answer u cause ur a lil bitch


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it was said before, noone cares if you want to compare your LED to CFLs...that has nothing to do with this thread, Or the quality of LEDs.

That being said. CFLs are WAY Better for growing weed than LEDs anyway.

Your beating a dead horse. Like I said before your invested in the LEDs so your going to defend them. Just like how every stoner loves their bong no matter how crappy others may think it is.

Say what you want, you can Not compare growth patters on LED to HPS. The thickness of stems means nothing, when I say stringy plants I mean very few branches, and leafs. Theres not as much surface area of leafs under the LED because theres not as much light to go around. So even for veg, LED sucks. It can work, any light can work, but that doesnt make it good.