Sorry, uncertain. She's mischievous at this time of year - digging up carrots and chasing deer. In the summer she catches/releases butterflies and goes after chipmunks. Gentle and affectionate - almost always by it's owner's side. Great companion.
Sorry, uncertain. She's mischievous at this time of year - digging up carrots and chasing deer. In the summer she catches/releases butterflies and goes after chipmunks. Gentle and affectionate - almost always by it's owner's side. Great companion.
I always thought vizsla was in the hound group until i looked it up earlier. They sure look it. Found out they are descended from the ancient Transylvanian Hound. Learn something new everyday.
Just got back from getting Bluey is 2nd round of shots and shit. Got him microchipped too. So far hasn't seemed to have phased him much. He did get car sick both to and fro. But shook that off pretty well. He did good at the vets. Met a cat for the first time and just licked it. He went from 3lbs to 10.5lbs in 4 weeks. So I think that's good. Got him for our daughter. But it's pretty obvious I'm his human. I kinda love him.
The TERRIBLE Twosome..... Butter wouldn't melt in their mouths.....unless you have to go chasing them across the countryside when they're after deer.
I can hear people say "Awww..ain't they cute!" NO, they're a royal PITA when they disappear. We have livestock farmers everywhere around here & they're not shy about shooting dogs that attack their stock.
She's got a new flourescent green collar, since she managed to destroy her original. Max now sports his new GPS tracking unit on top of his collar.
Wherever he is, she won't be far away.
When these two go bush (rogue), they'll disappear Km away. The deterrent/shock collars we've set up around the perimeter seem to have no effect. They've learned that the shock is transient & they just push through it regardless. The kind of guys I'd want to have on my side in a fight, but it makes for difficult management........