Roger A. Shrubber
Well-Known Member
elementary school kids aren't held hostage by drug addicts with vials of fentanyl...I agree. I think its sad . I’ve already stated gun violence is tragic. Because its kids , because we see the families that are fucking devastated on tv but nobody sees the millions of families thats children are dead or basically just as dead they just don’t know it yet. We don’t see the dead people ,some children , dead on the sidewalk or the grieving families on tv when its drug related. And again . Im not saying don’t be outraged at gun crime . Im saying if you really want to truly honestly help the children, then you should be screaming equally as loud about the drug problem.
public events aren't turned into bloodbaths by junkies trying to protest...something.
drug addiction is a "personal" problem, it only effects other people directly when the addict steals or kills for their next high.
it's a big problem, but you aren't going to see stories on the news about elementary schools under lockdown because an addict is on the property with some fentanyl...or stories the same night about how many kids were killed by it.
both problems need to be dealt with, in the ways that suit them best, and those ways don't seem to intersect much.