Legally there is "intellectual property". In reality (outside of legal land) , there is no intellectual property. Property is unique and tangible. A distinctly separate thing from other things, even things that look just like it, but aren't the one you are holding in your hand, which is a separate thing from the one somebody else is holding in their hand.
When a "breeder" makes seeds which are made from other seeds originating in places all over the world and claims they can "own" the result under some kind of "intellectual property" thing , they probably aren't sending payments back to the indigenous weed farmers in Colombia, Thailand, Afghanistan, India etc. where the stock they got originally came from.
Also, property for the most part is physical and tangible and unique. THAT plant of GG#4 in your closet is yours, THIS plant of GG#4 in somebody else closet is THEIR plant. One person owning their GG#4 does not limit the ownership interest another person has in their respective GG#4 plant. They are two separate things. To own one does not dispossess or lessen the ownership interest another person has in the one they own.
Intellectual property is a government fiction which has been legalized, it implies an idea can be owned. Except, two people CAN hold the same idea at the same time, while they can't simultaneously own (own in the sense of maintaining control over it) the same individual piece of physical property. For example you thinking the same thought as another person doesn't dispossess them of anything tangible, but if you try to own the same physical thing and you live in Connecticut, while the other person lives in Alabama, the unique physical thing has to reside in one place or the other.
As far as "owning" an idea...good luck with that in reality. It's unnatural, which is why I say it's a legal fiction.
Imagine if the first guy that used fire made a claim, "I own fire and the use of it". Then how would you fuckers even light a joint huh?