The Junk Drawer

A career in business awaits many teachers who pull the pin, they have options and unless parents like home schooling, which has been proven they hate! Unlike many of their new hires, teachers know how to spell and write English properly, many are highly educated and do it for love, not money, but people do burn out and have religion and bullshit shoved down their throats by rightwing politicians. History is an academic subject, historians write and intrepid it, then mostly liberal female teachers teach it and can do it in today's world using the internet, not state censored or approved texts, approved by religious lunatics and fascists. They don't need phoned in death threats and harassment at school board meetings whenever they stray from rightwing or religious doctrine.

Time to stomp on the we don't need no edumaction and everything I need to know is in the Bible crowd. Anti-intellectualism and contempt for science leads to one place, the toilet of history and those who choose it are quickly flushed.

It's one way to change the election map of rural America, change out the people. They will eagerly help with this by voting in republicans who will fuck them, having already sold themselves to the highest bidder. Rural hate radio owned by billionaires will help too by convincing the suckers that "they is taken over" and socialism, you know the usual crap. It ain't the migrants taking over or the liberals, it's the billionaires and corporations and if they can't fix or manage computers and robots the yokels will move off the land or be crushed. Republican senator shithead won't help them, it is what it is and they never thought they would fuck them, they were suppose to fuck the "other", whoever they were.

It's one way to change the election map of rural America, change out the people. They will eagerly help with this by voting in republicans who will fuck them, having already sold themselves to the highest bidder. Rural hate radio owned by billionaires will help too by convincing the suckers that "they is taken over" and socialism, you know the usual crap. It ain't the migrants taking over or the liberals, it's the billionaires and corporations and if they can't fix or manage computers and robots the yokels will move off the land or be crushed. Republican senator shithead won't help them, it is what it is and they never thought they would fuck them, they were suppose to fuck the "other", whoever they were.

Gotta feed those people, the cheapest quote wins!
This seems to happen every year..when are they going to stop doing this or have younger flight crews. This is not to harp on aging but you really don't have the same reflexes..I don't care how long you've flown or driven for that matter- you decline.

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It's one way to change the election map of rural America, change out the people. They will eagerly help with this by voting in republicans who will fuck them, having already sold themselves to the highest bidder. Rural hate radio owned by billionaires will help too by convincing the suckers that "they is taken over" and socialism, you know the usual crap. It ain't the migrants taking over or the liberals, it's the billionaires and corporations and if they can't fix or manage computers and robots the yokels will move off the land or be crushed. Republican senator shithead won't help them, it is what it is and they never thought they would fuck them, they were suppose to fuck the "other", whoever they were.

We need those Plains for Solar Farms..make no mistake now that Biden's Bill passed..see how this works on the most basic level? They fight us for what's needed citing $$$, then gouge us when they got overruled because there's opportunity for everyone; then they make it where everyone can't benefit.

I hope that made sense. In our America, everyone has to step on it for their share.
It's one way to change the election map of rural America, change out the people. They will eagerly help with this by voting in republicans who will fuck them, having already sold themselves to the highest bidder. Rural hate radio owned by billionaires will help too by convincing the suckers that "they is taken over" and socialism, you know the usual crap. It ain't the migrants taking over or the liberals, it's the billionaires and corporations and if they can't fix or manage computers and robots the yokels will move off the land or be crushed. Republican senator shithead won't help them, it is what it is and they never thought they would fuck them, they were suppose to fuck the "other", whoever they were.

Locally good farmland hit $30k/acre a couple years ago. It was $3.5k/acre in 1999 - so over 8 fold. Farmland property taxes are charged at 23% of their value.

Residential housing is up over 5 fold since 1999 and taxed at 100% of it's assessed value.
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Locally good farmland hit $30k/acre a couple years ago. It was $3.5k/acre in 1999 - so over 8 fold. Farmland property taxes are charged at 23% of their value.

Residential housing is up over 5 fold since 1999 and taxed at 100% if it's assessed value.
Canada is popular with the international crowd, and they are driving up prices everywhere.

I wonder how much a hundred square miles way up north south of 60 would go for? A feller might make a fortune selling acres instead of square feet of Scotland online. All the trees ya want, but we won't mention the mosquitos and black flies that will drive you insane if you should try and spend the summer there!
A sixteen year-old boy came home with a brand new Ford F150.
His parents look at the truck and ask, "Where did you get that truck?!"
"I bought it today," he says. "With what money?" says his mother. They knew what a new F150 cost.
"Well," he says, "this one cost me just fifteen dollars."
The father looks at him like he's crazy. "Who would sell a truck like that for fifteen dollars?" he says.
"It was the lady up the street," says the boy. "I don't know her name - they just moved in. She saw me ride past on my bike and asked me if I wanted to buy her F150 for fifteen dollars."
"Oh my Goodness!" says the mother. "Maybe she's mentally ill or has Alzheimer's something. John, you better go see what's going on."
So the boy's father walks up the street to the house where the lady lives and finds her out in the yard calmly planting flowers. He introduces himself as the father of the boy to whom she had sold a new Ford F150 truck for fifteen dollars and asks to know why she did it.
"Well," she says, "two days ago my husband left on a business trip. Yesterday I got a phone call from his boss and found out that he really ran off to Hawaii with his secretary and doesn't intend to come back."
"Oh, my goodness, I'm so sorry," the father says. "But what does that have to do with my son and your truck?"
"Well, this morning he called and told me he was stranded because he got robbed of his wallet with all his credit cards and cash. He told me to sell his new F150 and send him the money. So I did."