The Junk Drawer

Quantum Computing 2022 Update
98,961 views Jul 24, 2022
Quantum computing annual review. This non-technical video includes developments at IBM, Intel and Microsoft that may help to scale up the technology for future commercial application.

The Quantum Hype Bubble Is About To Burst
393,097 views Nov 5, 2022
Try out my quantum mechanics course (and many others on math and science) on You can get started for free, and the first 200 will get 20% off the annual premium subscription.

How much of what you hear about quantum computing is real promise and how much of it is hype? What is the "quantum winter" that so many physicists have been warning of? In this video I sort it out for you.

The Physics World article about quantum hype (which is a great read) is here:

The news item about IBMs mega fridge is here:

The paper about factorizing 21 on a quantum computer is this:
Did you read the article you posted or was the headline enough?

I take it you have a problem with the program. From the article;

“According to its website, the program will prioritize the following demographics for enrollment: "transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming, and intersex people who are also Black, indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC), experiencing homelessness, living with disabilities and chronic illnesses, youth and elders, monolingual Spanish-speakers, and those who are legally vulnerable such as TGI people who are undocumented, engaging in survival sex trades, or are formerly incarcerated."

Those crazy radical libtards, always trying to help people.
Did you read the article you posted or was the headline enough?

I take it you have a problem with the program. From the article;

“According to its website, the program will prioritize the following demographics for enrollment: "transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming, and intersex people who are also Black, indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC), experiencing homelessness, living with disabilities and chronic illnesses, youth and elders, monolingual Spanish-speakers, and those who are legally vulnerable such as TGI people who are undocumented, engaging in survival sex trades, or are formerly incarcerated."

Those crazy radical libtards, always trying to help people.
Socialism or worse, COMMUNISM! It seems compassion must be punished as somehow wrong, it's a repeating theme among republicans.
Did you read the article you posted or was the headline enough?

I take it you have a problem with the program. From the article;

“According to its website, the program will prioritize the following demographics for enrollment: "transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming, and intersex people who are also Black, indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC), experiencing homelessness, living with disabilities and chronic illnesses, youth and elders, monolingual Spanish-speakers, and those who are legally vulnerable such as TGI people who are undocumented, engaging in survival sex trades, or are formerly incarcerated."

Those crazy radical libtards, always trying to help people.

My vote is he read the headline only..if only we can get him to read at least the first two paragraphs.
Yeah but I can see the corners.

Deep fake with green screen my take unless I hold it in my hands personally.

Question everything questionable.
I just posted it as a great video, as it claimed to be, I would require more evidence than that in this age of deep fakes. Some fakes are interesting though! It isn't hard to find out more about it though, the answer is at your fingertips.
My vote is he read the headline only..if only we can get him to read at least the first two paragraphs.
I agree, that headline was made to be clickbait that trolls then push around the internet to try to trigger people with the title, and he didn't even get a couple paragraphs in before amplifying it.
Too many sceptics, I’m outta here,


Very sad I hate when people go crazy but my profile has this killer as:

  • Male​
  • Single Act​
  • Premeditated​
  • They knew him and let him in​
  • Student at the College​
  • Motive - Jealousy​
  • Serrated blade? Without seeing the crime scene yet, I'm thinking killer hacked these people bad.​
He'll be in custody soon..too many hidden eyes and cameras everywhere. They'll get tips because he was bloody..someone had to see him walking around- it's a college town.

"Premeditated" has been reported by police..that was #3 on my list.

The two girls that were there were unharmed..if you know anything about off campus student residence are usually a split stack..5 apartments; 4 to one side of the apartment then 1 on the other side of great room (kitchen/living room combo). Locked door; they all have their own bathroom and ear buds would be one reason they survived; the other would be they were not part of the target.
Back in the day I sometimes used to watch these televangelist lunatics and con artists out of boredom and for amusement... Times have changed, and we have more TV options, society moves on, but they don't move much, don't think much either...

So, Rev. was it the Lord or the Devil who whispered in yer ear? Maybe you are delusional and mentally unstable, have issues with sex perhaps? You sure as shit seem to have trouble with basic right and wrong and the 7 deadly sins with Donald an all. A real "Grab them by the pussy" family values, good Christian man!

God Caught LYING To Rightwing Pastor With Midterm Premonition
199,255 views Nov 13, 2022
God spoke to right-wing pastor George Pearsons, telling him "I got this" in relation to the Republican Party's chances in the midterms. Turns out God lied.