Fascism and the Republican Party


Well-Known Member
I cant imagine it helps bio females compete, but rather the opposite. My question is if it is it actually hinders bio females competitively than what makes it toxic? Should be rather easy to prove or disprove if Bio woman are being impacted competitively. Some could go as far as to say they are actively being discriminated against competitively and financially.
Is the toxic part the delivery?
How many trans women have medaled in the past year? Seems as if you are in a conniption about something that isn't happening. There is no evidence that trans women with equivalent levels of testosterone as other women are more competitive in a women's league. When people's lives are affected by the decisions of others, facts and evidence should and are more important than unfounded beliefs.


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How Economists Invented Austerity & Paved the Way to Fascism

361,913 views Premiered Oct 12, 2022
Clara Mattei discusses her new book "The Capital Order: How Economists Invented Austerity and Paved the Way to Fascism"


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A Class Apart FULL SPECIAL | American Experience | PBS America

36 views Nov 19, 2022
Built around the landmark 1954 legal case Hernandez v. Texas, the film interweaves a broader story of the civil rights movement with the heroic post-WWII struggle of Mexican Americans fighting to dismantle the discrimination against them.


Well-Known Member
world politics are world politics, and sometimes you have to ignore something evil to secure the greater good...but it still tastes like fucking shitty ashes...
Kashoggi's widow should get every dime mbs has, and be allowed to emasculate him in public...
A job for the CIA, a smile and stab in the back. There are thousands of "princes" in SA and many hate his guts, perhaps someone in the family might chop his fucking head off, literally.

Roger A. Shrubber

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I was really pissed when those assholes attacked the capitol denying the election. They took it too far. They need to show restraint like those in the video below, starting in 2000 with the hanging chads.

It was a very close election with actual ambiguous results that the SCOTUS stepped into halt, after that he and every other democrat never denied or tried to tear the country apart over it, though people still do have opinions about it. They aren't lunatics who lost by thousands of votes in all battle ground states and lost their fucking minds about it. Following Orange Jesus off a cliff and believing lies so transparent any child could see through them. The republicans embraced fascism and betrayed the constitution, Mitch is trying to put lipstick on the pig, but MTG keeps squirming and squealing
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Well-Known Member
I was really pissed when those assholes attacked the capitol denying the election. They took it too far. They need to show restraint like those in the video below, starting in 2000 with the hanging chads.

It would be a good thing if Republicans would compete on ideas and if they lose, peacefully accept that their ideas aren't very good or decide to work harder at convincing people who disagree with them. It would be a good thing if they did that.


Well-Known Member
It would be a good thing if Republicans would compete on ideas and if they lose, peacefully accept that their ideas aren't very good or decide to work harder at convincing people who disagree with them. It would be a good thing if they did that.
I agree with everything you said but substitute "politicians" for "Republicans"


Well-Known Member
Because I didn't see a whole lot of ideas in any of these campaign ads, I saw both sides beating the shit out of the other side with slanted propaganda because the attack ads work.


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Lest we forget who they are:


Apr 10, 2022

The Republican Party is committed to tearing America apart by pitting us against each other. Why would they do this? Here is a clue: 63 Republicans voted this week against a resolution in support of NATO.

Yes, they voted for Putin’s side of the war. Seriously. Although it has been largely ignored by American TV media, you can read all about it over at The Washington Post in an article by Aaron Blake titled: Why 30 percent of the House GOP voted against reaffirming NATO support.

Their unflinching support of Putin comes shortly after Koch Industries announced they would be joining Halliburton and Cargill among the handful of American companies staying in Russia.

Autocrats hate and fear functioning democracies. A successful, non-corrupt democracy in Ukraine was as big a threat as Putin could imagine: it was showing the way to freedom for both Russians and other Russia-aligned countries in the region like Belarus where the Putin-affiliated oligarch running that country has recently imprisoned, shot, and killed pro-democracy protestors.

But does a functioning democracy like Ukraine, with its famously anti-corruption President Zelenskyy, also represent a threat to the GOP’s plans to remake America in Putin’s image?

This isn’t the first time in recent history that the Republican Party has gotten into bed with Vladimir Putin’s interests.

So here we are:

  • Putin runs rigged elections and the GOP is openly working to rig elections in over 20 states.
  • Putin trash-talks LGBTQ people and the GOP has put homophobia at the center of their 2022 electoral strategy.
  • Putin embraces white nationalism in Russia, just as the GOP does here.
  • Putin has “actively cultivated neo-Nazism” both in Russia and “in the United States” while the GOP lionizes Kyle Rittenhouse and embraces American neo-Nazi movements.
  • Putin has contempt for the rule of law while the GOP embraces people who tried to overthrow the government of the United States.
  • Putin put so much money into the NRA that they’d become, as NPR described the result of the Senate investigation, a “Foreign Asset To Russia Ahead of 2016,” shoveling cash and support to Republican candidates.
  • Putin frequently lies to his people about things that are easily disproven … the same as Trumpy Republicans do on an almost daily basis.
  • Putin shuts down independent news media, while Trump and some Republicans call media in the US “the enemy of the people.”
  • Putin attacks science in Russia as Republicans do here in the US.
  • Putin promotes a muscular “Christianity” through corrupt preachers who openly defy the teachings of Jesus, as does the GOP.
  • Putin’s politicians are funded by rightwing oligarchs, just like Republican politicians are here.
  • Putin hates “liberals” and civil rights protestors, just like the GOP – which has gone so far as to legalize running them down with cars.


Well-Known Member
Because I didn't see a whole lot of ideas in any of these campaign ads, I saw both sides beating the shit out of the other side with slanted propaganda because the attack ads work.
It would be good if Republicans stopped taking contributions from Russian oligarchs and Putin. It would be a good thing.

How Republicans Spent Decades Cozying Up to Putin’s Kremlin

The man who once worked to connect Tom DeLay and Jack Abramoff to Russia is now chief of staff to Marjorie Taylor Greene. Any questions?

It’s not just Donald Trump who’s in Vladimir Putin’s pocket. For more than 25 years, a large swath of the GOP has enjoyed mutually rewarding relationships with Russian operatives funding and working with K Street lobbyists, political consultants, super PACs, campaign fundraising operations, disinformation and propaganda campaigns, social media operations, cyber-warfare efforts, money laundering schemes, think tanks harboring Russian intelligence operatives, and much, much more.