Thanks, I am working out a little and walking Ruby. I have been offered this job already... so now just need to go and feel the vibe and say Yes, YES, YES! or HELL NO!!!!!
So next week is huge, it determines my all in or not.
I see some real good advantages both at the location and the work set up . Fingers crossed these people i meet ......that i will have to work so closely, side by side, tag teaming everything we do, are like totally awesome and make me smile and have that chill vibe i am looking for.
that groovy chill or its a deal breaker.
Its like the last place i worked { for 2 days} and ffs my colleagues find a need to have to point out to me how efficient they work and how fast at tasks they are and and how much better they are then other colleagues. they would talk to me like i have no experience. ( i have traveled the country 17 years experience)Like i cant figure it out for myself at this point. Its rather insulting. I think they might be intimidated or feel threatened. I don't know, but they are sooooo uncool...... so it just does not jive with me at all. Ok, there is a level of uncool i can take but some exceed my boundaries. I mean really, a grown women, having to check with someone about a color of clothing she is allowed to wear?????
yeah, sooooo, i will def let you know what happens! its exciting for sure, so exciting... I just knew i needed to come back here, back home to give it a try and feel it again..and touch base with my past for a while, hang with some family that i haven't seen in so long. in those regard'sMission accomplished. This place is kinda sticky like glue, the longer I am here, the more i kinda hope i stay. The food is so damn tasty . I have been deprived for years and years of good food. the weather kicks ass. the shore is salty, the mountains are glorious, the city is to die for.. but its not going anywhere.