Canadian Stuff

My apologies though it appears you have the time.
Alas, but not the interest, my leg and foot have been laying me up quite a bit, though I'm not that desperate for amusement! Having got away from TV for years, I just can't get into the habit of watching it, even though I have the news on out in the living room, I'm seldom there to watch it. There are more fun things to do online these days and I have a lot of laughs here and following my various interests. If I get too much exercise it feels like my foot and right leg is gonna fall off or I wish it would! I should be taking Celebrex more I guess and probably will. Old injuries are haunting me.
The real reason bigots and assholes hate him, not because he is incompetent and not even because of his policies. It's the ideas of inclusiveness and multiculturalism they don't like, even though the writing is clearly on the wall about how future societies will evolve. He ran to the left of the NDP, even though the liberal party tries to be a balancing act between American capitalism and Scandinavian socialism.

Welcome to the drag race!

I agree with you 100%. I am one of the many who despise JT, and I loath that it makes me bedfellows tory-scum, who hate him because he is his father's son, because he claims (despite so much evidence to the contrary) to be a feminist. And that is really his only talent, a capacity to firnly plant his foot in his mouth. It is sad really, because people SHOULD hate JT BECAUSE of his appalling incompetence (which has been on display since he entered politics).
Even worse is that he keeps doing things that would get an other politician canceled, but his pretty face, vacant political sense of intelligence, and incomprehesible cult of personality that surrounds him keep him in power. Which in itself is bizarr, I think he might be the only PM who does worse everytime he calls an election.
I agree with you 100%. I am one of the many who despise JT, and I loath that it makes me bedfellows tory-scum, who hate him because he is his father's son, because he claims (despite so much evidence to the contrary) to be a feminist. And that is really his only talent, a capacity to firnly plant his foot in his mouth. It is sad really, because people SHOULD hate JT BECAUSE of his appalling incompetence (which has been on display since he entered politics).
Even worse is that he keeps doing things that would get an other politician canceled, but his pretty face, vacant political sense of intelligence, and incomprehesible cult of personality that surrounds him keep him in power. Which in itself is bizarr, I think he might be the only PM who does worse everytime he calls an election.
Vote for the NDP then, JT rebuilt the liberal party from the ground up and took it from its nadir to power. He can think on his feet as the inquiry demonstrated and has provided good, responsible government, with Canada nearly topping the charts globally. He has liberal democratic values and lives by them, I don't know what your definition of feminism is, but there is toxic masculinity too.
Vote for the NDP then, JT rebuilt the liberal party from the ground up and took it from its nadir to power. He can think on his feet as the inquiry demonstrated and has provided good, responsible government, with Canada nearly topping the charts globally. He has liberal democratic values and lives by them, I don't know what your definition of feminism is, but there is toxic masculinity too.
I have in recent years moved to the right and started voting NDP. Unfortunately, the NDP will never be elected for two reasons. Tories and Grits just steal their ideas, with no intention of implimenting them, and the spin doctors will not let anyone ever forget Bob Rae.
I have in recent years moved to the right and started voting NDP. Unfortunately, the NDP will never be elected for two reasons. Tories and Grits just steal their ideas, with no intention of implimenting them, and the spin doctors will not let anyone ever forget Bob Rae.
Well PP would have had us in cryptocurrency Hell and screaming all the way to the bottom on fire! :lol:
Vote for the NDP then, JT rebuilt the liberal party from the ground up and took it from its nadir to power. He can think on his feet as the inquiry demonstrated and has provided good, responsible government, with Canada nearly topping the charts globally. He has liberal democratic values and lives by them, I don't know what your definition of feminism is, but there is toxic masculinity too.
It also goes in cycles. The Tories were decimated and then rebuilt as the oh-so-well-named CRAP. That half-wit was only ever successful at allegedly selling alleged hash in an alleged Toronto park in alleged Etobicoke, which of course is all alleged, even the part where I allegedly bought from him (or Randy really, since he was the allegedly sacrifical alleged brother), after the damage Harris did to the Tories in Ontario.

You are right, he can think on his feet for sure. Rememeber that unsolicited admiration for the political system of Communist China? Or the whole WE Chairty nonsense. Or what about the SNC Lavalin debacle.

JT is the self-proclaimed feminist. But if you are asking me, he is very much that problematic brand of white-heteronormative-post-modernist-third-wave-feminism, that a lot of "diverse progressive racialised" feminists argue has had its day in the sun, and marginalises the concerns of BiPOC community and elevates post modernist feminists to the role of "white saviour". At least that's what is was called back when I did my minor in what was "Womens' Stuides" at the time, but is now generally referred to as "Gender Studies" at university.

As far as toxic masculitiy goes. I don't think that was ever even up for debate. But yes, there is such a thing as toxic masculinity. There is as much as toxic masculinity is a thing, so in performative allyship (acknowledging the mass graves at a residential school site, but opting to play golf than dialogue with the affected community). Being a voice to end global conflict is also a thing, but it is meaningless when you supply arms to countries that use those weapons against their own civilians, or civilian populations of another country.

So, again, unless you drink deep from the jug of red kool-aide, it's not hard to see how shit a lead JT is, whether you are a Tory POS, or an actual progressive.
Well PP would have had us in cryptocurrency Hell and screaming all the way to the bottom on fire! :lol:
At leaste with PP you know you are get a half witted conservative POS who will screw us at every opprtunity. As opposed to JT who tells you what you want to hear, while actively working to prevent it.
That said, I would set fire to my ballot before I ever voted for either.
You consider NDP right of the Liberals?

No. I think if you mis read what I wrote I said I moved to the right and voted NDP. So quickly... Marxist/Lenninist (left) --> Green (left) --> NDP (centre-left) --> Liberals (centre-right) --> Conservative Party (right) --> People's Party of Canada ------------------------------> (extreme right).
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I know who Bob Rae is. Why does he have any relevance to the NDP’s success in national politics?

Bob Rae is soooo 90’s.
Because no one in Ontario would vote NDP. Can't win an election in Canada without Ontario.
Oh and nice play on Joe Who? At least he was PM once or twice.
Holy crap... got stop posting when I am high... Keep mixing shit up.
Because no one in Ontario would vote NDP. Can't win an election in Canada without Bob Rae.
Oh and nice play on Joe Who? At least he was PM once or twice.
I’m in Ontario and I vote NDP. Besides, Bob Rae is a Liberal now.

I agree with you that the NDP won’t win a national election in the near future but I don’t see how Bob Rae has anything to do with it.
I’m in Ontario and I vote NDP. Besides, Bob Rae is a Liberal now.

I agree with you that the NDP won’t win a national election in the near future but I don’t see how Bob Rae has anything to do with it.
I thought the same thing, but when I talk with my peers of a similar age, the very mention of the NDP raises the spector of Rae Days, even with those who are pro union progressives.

The few Tories I can stomach talking to think that an NDP government means higher taxes, ostensibly to pay for every Albertian's manditory gender affermation surgery and vegan conversion therapy.

TBH history has been incredibly unkind to Rae, and the assesment of his time in office —especially considering that Tory scum who followed him. Rae is where belongs now, an academic in the foreign service. He is a smart man, who is grossly underappreciated.

I voted orange in the last two provincial and federal elections because the Green Party has become an even worse option than spoiling my ballot.
No, the NDP won't win an election anytime soon. But Trudeau and O'Toole both basicaly took the NDP platform and applied a thin coat of blue or red paint depending.
You are right, he can think on his feet for sure. Rememeber that unsolicited admiration for the political system of Communist China? Or the whole WE Chairty nonsense. Or what about the SNC Lavalin debacle.

Can you explain what you believe the appropriate response Mr. Trudeau should have had to the SNC Lavalin controversy? It's kinda a loaded scenario with no good answer, is it not?