how wrong am i?


Well-Known Member
asy it again, should have been better in the sheets! am i the only one to realize this?
i have no issues there. if she isn't satisfied... its her deal. Huge part of intimacy is communication. If she cant communicate something she likes or wants, its her issue. I'm not fuckin physic


Well-Known Member
I'm going through a moral crisis and more... I was with my girlfriend of 2 years up until june of this year when i found and confronted her about emails she had been exchanging with another guy. in the emails they were making plans to go to concerts and out for a drink... anyway... i ended up keeping tabs on her emails until enough was enough and i confronted her about it one night. things went bad and needless to say, the relationship ended and she moved out... days later when i spoke to her she seemed happy and like should could give a shit about what happend. but maybe i was reading too much into it. weeks went by and she said she wanted to be just friends and went on to talk about dating and crap. i told her i couldnt do that with her and couldnt be just friends cause that was some hard shit to have to hear... we hang out a time or two more and then we end up arguing about the breakup and she says she broke up with me cause she isn't sexually attracted to me... so thats some fucked up shit to hear. we dont talk for months then i hear from her out of the blue... calls me crying telling me how much she misses me and wants to be with me. dispite my best instincts... i go to her and comfort her... she tells me she is on meds for anxiety and so much has happend and she misses me. we start hanging out again... she says she wants to earn her way back into my life... i begin to let her... more weeks go by... i'm at her house looking up guitar tabs and i see a dating website on her history... i go on to find out she has a profile... and a screen name... and at this point she is acting kinda distant with me all the sudden... so i go into self protection mode and decide to act on my instinct. i sign up for an account and pose as another dude... with a fake pic... i act like the biggest tool on the planet and she ate it up... ended up sending me nude pics... saying "oh i'm friends with this guy and he wants way more than i do" and blah blah blah... basically telling this "dude" i made up that she wanted to bone... i talk to her like this for a few days... finding out all kinds of crap about how she really felt about me. i ended up telling her today that it was me all along. i feel like such a piece of shit for doing that to her... but i just had to know... i dont feel any better for having done that to her but i also feel like i saved myself pain in the long run. she told me she never wants to see me again now. and that the was the lowest that i could have done. that it was entrapment... and all that...
so... how big of a piece of shit am i?...
First up. Don't let the sex thing dwell in the back of your head. Just because you don't do it for her, doesn't mean you won't end up with someone that considers you a sex god.

It sounds to me like she wants you as a fallback guy because you let her get away with it. She smashes your ego to pieces, then when you think you might get it back together, she comes crying back to you. You take her back and treat her like a Queen and then she smashes you again!

I'd suggest the reason she came crying back is because whoever she latched onto in the interim wouldn't put up with her high maintenance demands. She is high maintenance isn't she.

Cut your losses and next time she comes back pleading forgiveness, be strong and tell her it's too late. Remember, she was planning on screwing another guy and you would have been none the wiser if she had have done it. You can't have a healthy relationship when that sort of shit is happening. Trust is one of the cornerstones of a solid friendship/relationship.


Well-Known Member
You guys are right... Nice to get this kind of support! I'm done being a funcin option for her...Had a drink with a nice 21 year old last night... digs older guys... Gotta move on sometime right?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hey if there's a's usually right on.Get with a woman, not a girl that plays head games.And listen to your partner in the sack, and you will be golden.
I'm going through a moral crisis and more... I was with my girlfriend of 2 years up until june of this year when i found and confronted her about emails she had been exchanging with another guy. in the emails they were making plans to go to concerts and out for a drink... anyway... i ended up keeping tabs on her emails until enough was enough and i confronted her about it one night. things went bad and needless to say, the relationship ended and she moved out... days later when i spoke to her she seemed happy and like should could give a shit about what happend. but maybe i was reading too much into it. weeks went by and she said she wanted to be just friends and went on to talk about dating and crap. i told her i couldnt do that with her and couldnt be just friends cause that was some hard shit to have to hear... we hang out a time or two more and then we end up arguing about the breakup and she says she broke up with me cause she isn't sexually attracted to me... so thats some fucked up shit to hear. we dont talk for months then i hear from her out of the blue... calls me crying telling me how much she misses me and wants to be with me. dispite my best instincts... i go to her and comfort her... she tells me she is on meds for anxiety and so much has happend and she misses me. we start hanging out again... she says she wants to earn her way back into my life... i begin to let her... more weeks go by... i'm at her house looking up guitar tabs and i see a dating website on her history... i go on to find out she has a profile... and a screen name... and at this point she is acting kinda distant with me all the sudden... so i go into self protection mode and decide to act on my instinct. i sign up for an account and pose as another dude... with a fake pic... i act like the biggest tool on the planet and she ate it up... ended up sending me nude pics... saying "oh i'm friends with this guy and he wants way more than i do" and blah blah blah... basically telling this "dude" i made up that she wanted to bone... i talk to her like this for a few days... finding out all kinds of crap about how she really felt about me. i ended up telling her today that it was me all along. i feel like such a piece of shit for doing that to her... but i just had to know... i dont feel any better for having done that to her but i also feel like i saved myself pain in the long run. she told me she never wants to see me again now. and that the was the lowest that i could have done. that it was entrapment... and all that...
so... how big of a piece of shit am i?...


Well-Known Member
Damn dude, flock that girl, she's just looking for what ever she needs at times, and at times she's going to get lonely and want to go back to the way thing where, but then she will be ok one day and do something stupid like that. you need to get away from her, so she doesn't flock up your head because she sounds like a flockin crazy.


Well-Known Member
I think you were totally in the right. Something similar happened to me with my girl.

We had been dating for about 2 1/2 years. We had a few rough patches in there, but we hung with it. We both enjoyed each others company and couldn't stay mad for long. That's the back story.

She plays World of Warcraft religiously. I'm the one who turned her onto it, but I quit playing. It's mostly guys that play, but I'm a trusting guy. She had never given me a reason to not trust her before.

Comments from guys I didn't know started showing up on her myspace page, myspace is the devil BTW. I keep a page just to have one now, hardly ever check it. Didn't bother me, girls that I barely know leave me comments on my page. However I noticed alot of comments from this one guy that lived out of state. I asked her who he was. She said it was some guy in her guild on WoW. That was cool, I'm not against her making new friends.

Wow this is getting long. Long story short: She was planning a trip to meet him. He offered to fly her out to his house so she could "apperntice" or some bullshit. I found out by reading her messages on myspace. Several things happened to make me suspicious enough to go through her messages or I never would have. Did I mention he was like 20 yrs older than her?

I broke up with her, we got back together. It's been about a year now. She still plays WoW. I set some hard rules that if she ever violates I will leave her over. I felt it had to be done for the time being if she wanted back in my life. I know longer tolerate any shape form or fashion of any bullshit. I don't know if I'll ever fully trust her again. We probably won't take it further than dating.

Back to you, you were totally right in doing what you did. You can't waste your life on girls that just bullshit around like that. You can find someone a lot better than the one you posted about. Women are everywhere.

Sorry, I ramble when I'm stoned.


Well-Known Member's one for you my friend, enjoy!

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Well-Known Member
I'm going through a moral crisis and more... I was with my girlfriend of 2 years up until june of this year when i found and confronted her about emails she had been exchanging with another guy. in the emails they were making plans to go to concerts and out for a drink... anyway... i ended up keeping tabs on her emails until enough was enough and i confronted her about it one night. things went bad and needless to say, the relationship ended and she moved out... days later when i spoke to her she seemed happy and like should could give a shit about what happend. but maybe i was reading too much into it. weeks went by and she said she wanted to be just friends and went on to talk about dating and crap. i told her i couldnt do that with her and couldnt be just friends cause that was some hard shit to have to hear... we hang out a time or two more and then we end up arguing about the breakup and she says she broke up with me cause she isn't sexually attracted to me... so thats some fucked up shit to hear. we dont talk for months then i hear from her out of the blue... calls me crying telling me how much she misses me and wants to be with me. dispite my best instincts... i go to her and comfort her... she tells me she is on meds for anxiety and so much has happend and she misses me. we start hanging out again... she says she wants to earn her way back into my life... i begin to let her... more weeks go by... i'm at her house looking up guitar tabs and i see a dating website on her history... i go on to find out she has a profile... and a screen name... and at this point she is acting kinda distant with me all the sudden... so i go into self protection mode and decide to act on my instinct. i sign up for an account and pose as another dude... with a fake pic... i act like the biggest tool on the planet and she ate it up... ended up sending me nude pics... saying "oh i'm friends with this guy and he wants way more than i do" and blah blah blah... basically telling this "dude" i made up that she wanted to bone... i talk to her like this for a few days... finding out all kinds of crap about how she really felt about me. i ended up telling her today that it was me all along. i feel like such a piece of shit for doing that to her... but i just had to know... i dont feel any better for having done that to her but i also feel like i saved myself pain in the long run. she told me she never wants to see me again now. and that the was the lowest that i could have done. that it was entrapment... and all that...
so... how big of a piece of shit am i?...
Beautiful....truly a masterful scheme, my friend. I'd even say you didn't need to stop there!


New Member
I'm going through a moral crisis and more... I was with my girlfriend of 2 years up until june of this year when i found and confronted her about emails she had been exchanging with another guy. in the emails they were making plans to go to concerts and out for a drink... anyway... i ended up keeping tabs on her emails until enough was enough and i confronted her about it one night. things went bad and needless to say, the relationship ended and she moved out... days later when i spoke to her she seemed happy and like should could give a shit about what happend. but maybe i was reading too much into it. weeks went by and she said she wanted to be just friends and went on to talk about dating and crap. i told her i couldnt do that with her and couldnt be just friends cause that was some hard shit to have to hear... we hang out a time or two more and then we end up arguing about the breakup and she says she broke up with me cause she isn't sexually attracted to me... so thats some fucked up shit to hear. we dont talk for months then i hear from her out of the blue... calls me crying telling me how much she misses me and wants to be with me. dispite my best instincts... i go to her and comfort her... she tells me she is on meds for anxiety and so much has happend and she misses me. we start hanging out again... she says she wants to earn her way back into my life... i begin to let her... more weeks go by... i'm at her house looking up guitar tabs and i see a dating website on her history... i go on to find out she has a profile... and a screen name... and at this point she is acting kinda distant with me all the sudden... so i go into self protection mode and decide to act on my instinct. i sign up for an account and pose as another dude... with a fake pic... i act like the biggest tool on the planet and she ate it up... ended up sending me nude pics... saying "oh i'm friends with this guy and he wants way more than i do" and blah blah blah... basically telling this "dude" i made up that she wanted to bone... i talk to her like this for a few days... finding out all kinds of crap about how she really felt about me. i ended up telling her today that it was me all along. i feel like such a piece of shit for doing that to her... but i just had to know... i dont feel any better for having done that to her but i also feel like i saved myself pain in the long run. she told me she never wants to see me again now. and that the was the lowest that i could have done. that it was entrapment... and all that...
so... how big of a piece of shit am i?...
Not a piece of shit at all man. I respect every single thing you did. I'd do the same. It's not fun getting burnt and you just saved yourself a massive 3rd degree burn. Good luck bud!


Well-Known Member
Hey if there's a's usually right on.Get with a woman, not a girl that plays head games.And listen to your partner in the sack, and you will be golden.
Yep for the most part Stoney. When i was a young man i suffered desperately from suspicion{jealousy}, what a mess that makes. It's a fine line man. We all just need to remind ourselves of how hot we are, especially at times when somebody is playing a fucked up game at our expense. I think that you {thatboygood} should get a photo of your x, do your morning fart on it, followed by some clucking and a chicken dance of your choosing{pigeon dance is ok if you're that way inclined}, put the photo in the freezer for a while, and pray for 6 or so seconds that she'll not always be a douche; that should help take the sting out. I guess what i'm trying to say is that farting and dancing like poultry are two ways we can speed up the process of de-douchefication. Make a ritual, have a laugh, NO-ONE is worth getting bitter over.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
So wait a minute. She was setting up dates with other guys while you two were together, you called her out on it, you guys broke up. Then she calls you crying saying she misses you and wants to get back together with you - then turns around and tells guys on this dating site that YOU want HER back and she sends them nude pics of herself... But YOU feel bad? Wtf. This broad sounds like the piece of shit - kick her to the curb. Immediately.