Canadian Stuff

At least you take an interest. So few American's do. Hell I've met American's who aren't quite sure where Canada is (or even North as a cardinal compass point).
it's sad, but most Americans couldn't point out their own state on an unlabeled map, and sure as shit couldn't name all 50 states, and i'd give them a buck per capital they could point out on that same unlabeled map.
i play this at least a couple of times a week, along with the maps of EU, south America, the middle east, asia...
and still get a few wrong now and then
In that spirit, maybe in 50 years you will start doing something thinking of your own.
Fkn love it, glad you know what I'm talking about, and such a good zing.

The reason I push back on it, is I believe that too many on the extremes try to silence, and always criticize anyone that isn't extreme as well. I think JT has governed as well as could be expected. Is he the perfect enviromentalist/feminist/indigenous supporter, not even remotely close, but he IS the leader that was finally able to get the ball to start moving in the right direction. He's a smart guy, even if you despise his politics which a lot do, he knows that if he goes too far too fast he will lose too many people and the momentum he has.
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Can you explain what you believe the appropriate response Mr. Trudeau should have had to the SNC Lavalin controversy? It's kinda a loaded scenario with no good answer, is it not?
No. but I am not the PM. And TBH I doubt, even with the benefit of hindsight, JT
Fkn love it, glad you know what I'm talking about, and such a good zing.

The reason I push back on it, is I believe that too many on the extremes try to silence, and always criticize anyone that isn't extreme as well. I think JT has governed as well as could be expected. Is he the perfect enviromentalist/feminist/indigenous supporter, not even remotely close, but he IS the leader that was finally able to get the ball to start moving in the right direction. He's a smart guy, even if you despise his politics which a lot do, he knows that if he goes too far too fast he will lose too many people and the momentum he has.
Sadly though, it means we get that Tory scum PP. I suppose there is time for him to do the right thing and make way for chrystia freeland. For whom I could actually vote, and not feel like I've sold my soul to keep PP out of the PM's Office.
Fkn love it, glad you know what I'm talking about, and such a good zing.

The reason I push back on it, is I believe that too many on the extremes try to silence, and always criticize anyone that isn't extreme as well. I think JT has governed as well as could be expected. Is he the perfect enviromentalist/feminist/indigenous supporter, not even remotely close, but he IS the leader that was finally able to get the ball to start moving in the right direction. He's a smart guy, even if you despise his politics which a lot do, he knows that if he goes too far too fast he will lose too many people and the momentum he has.
The Good Will Hunting was so on the nose, more than you even know; but to say more would risk doxing.

I think anyone who actually uses "hetero-normative-post-modernist-third-wave-feminism" in a forum post deserve to be called out. I am surprised it took as long as it did.

I agree with you, exremes rule the day, in way they've not in a very long time; with the right and the left equally guilty of perpetuating cancel culture. There was a fime, from Fukuyama declairing the death of history up til Trump's golden escalater moment, where I proudly referred to myself as being "loonie left." It was just such ridiculous trope used by FOX Media for anyone questioned the status quo.

Then everything changed that November in 2016. People who were right of me politically were suddenly so angry, but not about things that actually mattered. What I find most befuddling these people on the extremes are the minority, but their voices are so amplified by social media, main stream media, and alt media, that those of us who want to have a rational conversation can't anymore.
DoFo loses, look where his focus is, tamping down the workers while shoveling as much as he can at his buddies at the top end, his voters are just suckers, unless they are rich like him. DoFo governs for the elites and has populist support, from the morons he is screwing. A free market for profits, but not for wages seems to be his main theme, cut at the bottom, and of course tax cuts at the top because of the surplus made on the backs of the little people by cutting services and jobs.

Winnipeg Foundation willed $500M, largest gift to a Canadian charity by an individual
The Winnipeg Foundation says it has received the largest gift ever made to a Canadian charity by an individual — a $500-million bequest by a local business owner who died earlier this year.

"It is with immense gratitude I am here today to announce a gift that will be transformational for our community," board chair Tom Bryk said at a news conference Tuesday. The money was left to the foundation, which distributes grants to charitable organizations in Winnipeg, in the will of Miriam Bergen, who died in January. "Many of you may not necessarily know Miriam Bergen or the Bergen family," Bryk said, calling her a "quiet philanthropist." Their name, however, is now part of "an incredible legacy that will have a positive impact on our city for generations to come," he said.

Prior to Bergen's gift, a $150-million endowment from the Moffat family, owners of a cable and broadcasting company, was the single largest gift ever given to the Winnipeg Foundation.

Greg Thompson, the research director with Charity Intelligence, says Giving Tuesday isn't nearly as big in Canada as it is in the U.S. Canadians made an estimated $44 million in donations on Giving Tuesday last year, but that only amounted to a small portion of the $18 billion they donated in total in 2021, he said. But Thompson said the donation to the Winnipeg Foundation, which he's been told will be an endowment fund, with about $25 million given out annually, is huge.

"It's a wonderful amount of additional funding going into Winnipeg charities and I truly hope that the Winnipeg Foundation will be able to give that money out to very high-impact charities in the Winnipeg area," he said during a Tuesday interview with CBC Manitoba's Up To Speed.

Bergen's gift is also unique in that there are no strings attached to how the money can be spent, says Susan Phillips, who teaches at Carleton University's school of public policy in Ottawa. "It signals an interest in ensuring the gift is distributed in a knowledgeable way, for which the Winnipeg Foundation has a very good reputation," Phillips said. Major gifts are more commonly dedicated to a big project like building a hospital or funding medical research, she said.

Appleton Holdings was founded as Marlborough Developments by Bergen's parents, Martin and Ruth Bergen. Appleton owns and operates residential and commercial buildings in Winnipeg under the Edison Properties brand, many of them in the North Kildonan neighbourhood. Those properties will now support the Winnipeg Foundation's work, as Bergen's gift includes the shares of Appleton.

"Miriam Bergen will be remembered as a visionary for our community," said Winnipeg Foundation CEO Sky Bridges. "This stunning support from Miriam Bergen, and her love for our city and all who live here, will help us address Winnipeg's most pressing needs and challenges today and in the future."

The Winnipeg Foundation is Canada's oldest community foundation, created in 1921 by William Forbes Alloway and his wife, Elizabeth Alloway. In 2021, it distributed $84.9 million to approximately 1,100 charitable organizations in the city. In the past 100 years, the foundation has granted more than $780 million.
A new Tory government here in NS has a new policy, pull out yer cocks boys and get busy! I hope it's by immigration and not increased birth rates, the days of women having 10 kids are long gone. 2060 is a long way off and there will be climate refugees and perhaps Americans streaming out of the place on the run from a fascist dictatorship, like Russians, Trump 2.0 :lol:

State's rights! Jesus Christ. Albertastan Justin should make the oil patch a national park confiscate the land, and rename the Bow River, the Trudeau River in honor of his father, an avid canoer. Make the bitch welp! :lol:

She got Jason to resign. With an election looming, her time may be short. We'll see.

No. but I am not the PM. And TBH I doubt, even with the benefit of hindsight, JT

Sadly though, it means we get that Tory scum PP. I suppose there is time for him to do the right thing and make way for chrystia freeland. For whom I could actually vote, and not feel like I've sold my soul to keep PP out of the PM's Office.
Chrystia Freeland would have my vote without a doubt. To continue the GWH references, that girl's wicked smart. I'm not a fan of PP, but not nearly afraid of him as others. I don't think we really know what he would be like just yet, he's in campaign mode and we all know 99% of that is theatrics.
Chrystia Freeland would have my vote without a doubt. To continue the GWH references, that girl's wicked smart. I'm not a fan of PP, but not nearly afraid of him as others. I don't think we really know what he would be like just yet, he's in campaign mode and we all know 99% of that is theatrics.
Not like you could accuse her of not having enough experience either. Yeah, she would get my vote.
Chrystia Freeland would have my vote without a doubt. To continue the GWH references, that girl's wicked smart. I'm not a fan of PP, but not nearly afraid of him as others. I don't think we really know what he would be like just yet, he's in campaign mode and we all know 99% of that is theatrics.
I agreewith you. We don't know enough about PP really. Although I would lay the blame for that at his own feet, and his choice not to engage with The Hill's press corps.
He says he didn’t do it.
